At Your Service

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Bailey was a sweet dog she was Tommy's lifeline and the only thing he truly loved. Ya see, Tommy was told that giving hugs was a sign of weekness and only women should hug. This is not true of course but Tommy believed his father, everyone believed his father, I think they were too scared to admit that they didn't.
Tommy's father wasnt very present in his life, neither of his parents were, he lived alone in his previous family home while his parents travelled far and wide. Leaving their only son behind. Normally this would be okay if it was for a short trip and everything was gonna be okay at home. But for Tommy this could not be more wrong, Tommys parents had been gone for 3 years at this point, they left when he was 13 and were meant to come back 1 month later. But 1 month turned into 2 then into much longer. For anyone this would be difficult but for a young boy with more medical issues than he could count he relyed on his service dog to replace what his parents should have done.
By the time he had payed off the house expenses, money was running short and the bills were Pilling up. The young boy remember watching YouTube on his dad's phone and finding all kinds of videos. Since Tommy didn't go to school there wasn't much he knew about the world but what he did know was that one day he wanted to be just like the people on his dad's phone. The only problem was that he didn't know how, Tommy barely even knew how to use the computer let alone run a YouTube channel, the young boy was clueless but tried his best none the less.

~time skip~

It had been three years since he dusted off his computer and started the dream inside his head, Tommy didn't expect what had happened, millions of views rolled in each video and 100s of thousands watched him live on a platform he didn't even know existed a few years ago. Twitch helped Tommy find people he never though he would find. After years of staying in his room and doing nothing at all Tommy had made friends, even people who were like family to the young boy. Wilbur was like a brother to Tommy he had never been told about what was wrong with Tommy and he thought nothing was even happening in his mind but behind Tommy's loud laughs and snarky jokes the same scared little boy from years ago was still there with more problems than you could think of.


Everyday was something new I had more friends than ever and thousands of people watched my every move, I had been invited to the dreamsmp over 8 months ago now and it had helped me in so many ways. I went from being alone in my room to laughing like I've never laughed before. I had so much fun everyday but I still feel incomplete, I suppose as much as I love my friends and Bailey, a family was what I had always longed for, a proper family, not like before.


Tommy wasn't the quitest kid but when he was he was a genuinely shy type of boy compared to his online persona, he often spoke in a pleasent manner with great manners which was surprising when only a few minutes before he was screaming swear words at my face, I kinda guessed he wouldn't have been like that all the time but it was still a surprise. I had always knew there was more to the story about tommy, he never talked about his family or friends and always seemed on edge when the topic was brought up. Tommy had never even showed us his dog I thought he had made it up but I saw her in the background while schlatt and I were talking to him after a stream I thought nothing of it until I saw that she had a vest on which I assumed meant she was a service animal, I wonder why his parents needed a service animal he had never really talked about his private life.

Tommy's pov

I remeber Wilbur bringing up Bailey but I didn't have the heart to tell him, I almost slipped up and told him that she was mine but I just wasn't ready for that, Wilbur didn't really bring up again so I left it and the topic just went away. I know I have to bring it up at some point but I didn't want pity, I've done fine on my own for years I can't mess it up now.

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