Find A Family.

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Tubbo had never told the smp about much if his personal life, they assumed he had two parents and some siblings just like almost everyone else in the world but what if they were wrong about that?

That is where our story begins, 11.30pm on a Friday evening playing some Minecraft with some of his friends, as a distant knock was heard. Sheila. I loved Sheila don't get me wrong, but it was annoying having to go by her silly rules made for all the young kids, oh yes wait, introductions, Sheila runs the group home filled with all the lonely kids, either without family or just left behind by them. I of course am one of them, Hi I'm Tubbo and I came here when I was just 3 years old after I was found clutched in the arms of my death mothers corpse, quite morbid if you think about it. I never really got to know my parents, it was made clear that my father was an honest man who's crazy wife threw him over the edge, he was the reason she lay still forever now. Once it set in what he had done he took the only option he thought was reasonable. Only a few hours later, he was found resting his eyes eternally from the hands of alcohol and an overdose. Ever since then I have been here, well..not all the time, sometime I go off to a foster family hoping to find my forever home, obviously that hasn't quite worked out yet and I have returned here every time. Sheila knew this took a tole on my mental health and began to save up knowing that I had grown up in her care and she thought she ought to treat me. So on my 14 birthday I was gifted a pc, it may have been second hand but it was the best gift I could have ever asked for, some would say I was even speachless, which rarely was a problem I had.
Within a month or two I had began to stream on twitch, a rather wonderful place I must admit. A had met a rather loud boy around my age called Tommy, he was very bubbly but had a soft spot for his close friends. Me and Tommy spent hours together either streaming or just hanging out, he shortly became my best friend, we told each other everything... Well, almost everything. I had never told anyone about my living situation it hadn't been something I trusted him to know incase he blabbed it to everyone else, he had met Sheila and he only thought she was my mum, I was lucky sheila went along with it all really, I don't know what I could have done if she hadn't.
As my friendships grew and my lie expanding it wasn't long before the lies didn't match up and someone would find out, I mean I was 16 at this point and the constant screaming of young children around the home and my bedtime being so unbearably early someone was bound to catch on.

It was now over an hour and a half past when Sheila had told me to turn lights of and head to bed, this of course caused all my friends to create jokes about it, after all, what teenager has to go to bed at 10pm? But for Sheila after those hours were the only time she was allowed to be alone without the screaming children and moody teenagers. I don't blame her honestly I would do the same but that doesn't change the fact I wish I could stay up later, if only I didn't push it and then the night wouldn't have unravelled in the way it did. Let me tell you how the night went...
It was growing closer and closer 'till midnight, Wilbur and dream plus a bunch of others were becoming more rowdy each minute , of course I was hyped up with them but a bit more dialed down excitement. Fundy had dmed me worried about why I wasn't as loud I told him partly the truth about how my 'siblings' were asleep. He didn't reply so I assumed everything would be fine.
Everyone began to sing lovejoys new album starting with sex cells, almost everyone in the calls sang with Fundy wilbur, dream and Tommy had began singing at the top of thier lungs while Niki, ranbo, Jack and I sang but at a less ear aching level. Of course being taunted at to sing louder. I hadn't heard Sheila coming in until she spoke loud and clear, as a way to get me to understand her urgency.
"Come on Toby you should be in bed by now, alot of the kids are going to their new homes tomorrow, they need their rest."
"Sorry Sheila, I'll be quite now," I replied with a hint of mischief present in my voice. I honestly had no intentions of going to bed but I decided that I should probably stay quite to refrain from getting shouted at. What I hadn't realised was the confused faces as the singing had stopped and the music drowned out form their confused questions and glances.
Oh shit, I would normally have muted but her unexpected arrival had made me forget, of course they'd be confused I mean I would too if I was in there position, they just found out that a bunch of kids in our household were being sent off to different homes, it's almost obvious at this point, I had to tell them the truth, that is only if they haven't figured it out themselves already.

"tubbo do you live with lots of other people? what does she mean by other kids I thought you only had a few siblings" Jack asked curiously, I could see the cringing faces of those who had already worked it out. Almost as if to say sorry that I had to explain it.
"Um.. Yeah I live with a bunch of other people-"  I quietly replied, for anyone to be in this position is awkward as hell but for it to be in front a bunch of your friends it is pretty bad, as you could imagine.
"before anyone else says anything, I just wanna explain I'm sure some of you have figured it out but for those of you who haven't this will help. So um I guess you could say that I live with a bunch of kids all waiting for their forever families... Me included, alot of the young kids are going to thier Foster families tomorrow, thats why Sheila was quite agitated"
Tommys smile had significantly dropped, his best friend who he had known for over 2 years hadn't told him, was he not trusted. "tubbo why didn't you tell me you lived in a group home, I thought Sheila was your mum" Tommy seemed quite sad to be honest that he had found this out but he wouldn't kept it a secret if it was him.
"it's not that I didn't want to tell you Tommy, and the rest of you, Its just been hard trying to find a family for so many years that whoever I tell my secret too always disappears or returns me, the amount of times I've told my story and it hasn't helped me in any way I decided it meant I just shouldn't tell it, this of course meant I wouldn't find my forever family if I didn't put myself out there but I took the risk, and besides Sheila gives me all the love and care I need without a proper family. We've also created our own kind of family, haven't we?"
"I'm happy that you feel loved tubs but you didnt have to avoid getting a family because you feel ashamed to tell us bud" Wilbur reassured me.
"Tubbo just know we support you, you should really put yourself back out there to have a real family"
"thanks dream, I'll try but if I still don't find one since teens don't seem to get picked, just know that you guys were a good enough family for me to not even need a real home."

At this point of the story your probably wondering what happened after this, well Im most exited to tell you that over the next few weeks I had put my application back out there to find a forever family. Little did I know the family I had already was enough for me, it was enough to make it kind of official, the word spread over the server of my situation and the person I already knew as my dad had made it official, Dream had taken me in as his own, once he moved over to Brighton to help create the sense of family with the sbi, I was with people who I trusted and loved, even if our family wasn't a traditional one.
I had found a family.

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