Dead Boys

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"Tommy I try to be a good father, I really do but I can't be around all the time and you know that. "
I was taken aback by Phil's statement, my dad was never there always with techno, all I wanted was a real family, someone who actually cared about me for once in my life, I was always the last choice, following my brothers through battles and blamed for their loses. The feelings were always bottled up inside of me, I knew one day I wouldn't be able to take it anymore, I felt like I exploded before I had even said the words, but once the words started they wouldn't stop..
" You killed Wilbur why would you kill him if you loved us."
Tommy never expected to tell his dad what he saw but it took over him, wilburs deafening scream, the colour drained from his face, a sword plunged into his back form the man he had wanted to love. Phil had killed him. and Tommy couldn't do anything about it.
Through all stages of Tommy's childhood he could tell Phil wasn't a good father, neglect, hatred and mistreatment but this topped it all off, he loved Wilbur he cared for him and trusted him more than anyone, all for nothing, his life had been taken after everything. Yet the battles and explosions weren't the one to do it, it was his own dad, a person who had kids that he swore to protect from harms way, not everyone can be who they strive to be but a dad was Phil only job and he failed, he failed Tommy just like everyone else in his life had.
Tommy watched as Phil's eyes drained out just like the son who stood before him, both in fear of what Tommy had said. He knew and Phil couldn't hide the truth, Phil knew Tommy would tell everyone.
A funeral was held attended by the ones of old and new lmanburg to remember Wilbur for who he was beneath his life of war and Phil couldn't risk Tommy messing everything up like he always did.

Phil's pov

I didn't ever expect to be stood in front of my youngest son, trembling as I raised my sword above my head once more, yielding the sword that took wilburs last life, disguised by the horrors of his power, after the button was pressed to lmanburg being demolished for the final time, lmanburg was gone and so was Wilbur, only Tommy was in the way as always,
He expected everyone to drop what they were doing an rise to his power with him, I always saw him for what he was,

a liar,

always twisting the truth, wilburs death was the only thing that could have helped Tommy realise that he shouldn't be like his brother, yet he felt destined to follow his path.
If he wanted to become Wilbur, act like him, rule like him then he must die like him.

He always acted like the hero, even 'till the last moment, he was gonna die like one. I had to get rid of him to hide the truth, because after all....

...dead boys can't tell secrets.

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