Plan your Demise.

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"All you could do was stand there and stare. You knew this was going to happen, yet you never told a soul, didn't bother to tell anyone. You put everything at risk,But then after all , isn't that exactly what you wanted...
To have the ability to make me dissapear without a single trace of it leading back to you. Acting like a bystander and becoming as shocked as they were to see me lying there, whereas through their shrieks and tears of sorrow you hid your smirk with the hands used to greet my Demise. Honestly what made you belive I wanted to be with you after what you did. You keep bringing up the thought of us 'being together forever' but what if I don't want to be with you, you've never listened to me, it's always what you want, what you need and what makes you happy. I'm done with it dream I wanted to be done with you too.
I remember sitting with you as you planned everything out, I was always so keen to listen to your plans and wait to see what the next step would be, yet that smile was always hiding something, whether it was happiness or anguish, you had somehow already figured out that it was me the plans were destined for. Each day, each hour, each moment that I helped you plan someones final steps, actions even words, you knew it would be me, that I was going to be the one to meet a sticky end. It was all planned out from the beginning, you had me plan my own murder."

"Isn't it for the best," dream began to whisper chuckling under his breathe he gripped tighter on George's hands, well I suppose it wasn't really George anymore was it, more like a ghostly form of him, a form that couldn't leave anymore, dream had trapped him... "I did it for you, for me, for us, we're together now isn't that what we wanted. Georgie if you would have stayed there..."
A small tear rolled down his cheak as his words became almost silent,
"... they, they would have hurt you in order to get to me, they realised that you were the only thing I loved and they could have used you to get to me, this was the only option Gorgie, I just want to be with you, its all I've ever wanted."

"Dream your smile is so easily hidden by your fake tears and gasps of discomfort... do you not remember that your the man who powered nations to fight in a war all for your own benefit, your the man who could win any battle, the same fucking man that ended up in prison from manipulating everyone you've ever  known and you seriously believe that by calling me dumb fucking nick names that everything is going to be okay and that I'm gonna forgive you as if nothings happend, and you thought I was the naive one. I can see right though you I have always been able too, I just tried to see past it all, honestly how dumb could I have been thinking you were a great person when I clearly made and effort  block out the bad.
"I'm done with you, seriously this time"
".. And what makes you think your capable of doing that" dream chuckled. "we are trapped here don't you remember just me and you... Forever" a smirk creeping onto his face from the reality of what the future held.
"ghostbur" George whispered
"what was that, what did you say George"
"despite you being able to do anything in this world, you seem to simply forget that your power and manipulation doesn't erase what's already been done. Despite your best efforts dream... We won't be together forever, honestly that was your dream, knwing that you needed someone mant I thought u should be there for you m, I never felt drawn to you I just tried to be there for you to get by, it seems that even through your best efforts you still lack certain skills and can't wrap your head around the fact that we won't be together at all, there seems to be someone who even thought he destroyed a country-his own country- he is still better person than you will ever be...But sure, enjoy being alone after you've just ruined your own life I'm surprised this is what it took for you to go insane Dream.. But thus is goodbye, I'm not yours, I never was and never will be.. Goodbye Dream"

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