A Friend From Miles Away

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"Forwards, and to the side"
"Now backwards-   that's it Georgie, you're getting the hang of it"

Small giggles was all George could reply, this was the moment he has waited for after all these years of yearning to meet his friend from miles away. From sarcastic comments and awkward laughs to late night call and spending days on end speaking to each other, the years seemed to simply dissipate away from them, after all this time of waiting it seemed they had only met in this moment. The very moment they would remember for years to come, like in a movie filled with adventures across the screen gliding around the earth, to the hopeless romantics in books waiting for their story to be read. It was a moment like no other, hand in hand, cherishing every last moment before the movie stopped playing and the book closed. For dream and George the book had seemingly only just opened yet the pages turned fast and time moved on without them, their story of hidden love and secrets graced the pages, detailing the life they would live, yet only the reader could truly see their future. That takes us back to their present moment as they stare into each other eyes, almost hoping time would stop just for them, the ambient sound of rain hitting the leaves and distant chimes of church bells fill the air. They share a dance of love and passion their bodies moving in sync like distant soul mates. Two people, two lives yet brought together into one story from world's apart. From laughing through a screen to belonging amongst the pages almost becoming dependent on the characters we had met along the way of our past lives. Who knew that a friends from miles away who was a background character in his own story become a main character in mine. He became the hero of my story just like I become the Prince in his.
Our story was like every other, as the pages turned and the story commenced, the ups and downs of life got in the way and soon we had to return to our lives , all the way across the world. Waiting until the book was re-opened and our story could be read once more. Yet this time the pages were worn down and the sickly sweet love story turned bitter, the world I had promised you from the start had took a lifetime to realise it wasn't mine to give. Our story no longer being written and our love still half the world apart. The story had ended yet the words of the future to come began to write once more.

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