Burnt Promises

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Schlatt, Sometimes I wish we could just choose how we die, and for once not be living in fear of dream or anyone else who seem so eager just to come along and take our lives at any moment, it seems that at this point nothing we can do will please them anymore, we are trapped in this and we will always be if we don't find a way out. We could be free, we could do it our own way, a way that will mean we will be together forever. You won't have to control this nation and be over run by some people who simply think they are more powerful than us. This nation would be in shambles without you, nothing more than a broken city left behind by a man who wasn't fit to run this place.
But you showed them schlatt, you showed them what a real leader could be, you lead them with thier fears and proved that all they needed was you.

Now all we need is to back away from it all, you've done your duty to this nation, you promised me that it wouldn't be long before your job in this world and this nation, amongst these people would be over. We would be able to be together forever, like you would say to me every night, remeber that promise you made to me? 'I promise you there is an end to all this... You just have to trust me'

Do you remeber that schlatt, when you tried to tell me how everything was gonna be all okay, you told me that there was gonna be an end and here is our chance to end it, I trust you but you gotta trust me, this is it, this is where we can all be at peace with no more war or hatred, just freedom.... Isn't that what we wanted?

*schlatt lights a cigarette and pauses for a moment before speaking*
Quackity there is nothing more that I want than to be with you, away from all this, together..... But at some point you should have realised that the plan has faded its hardly even there, this is my place, this nation is my home and I cant leave, as much as I wanted to be with you and have this place be our home together it means we would have had to stay here for a while but we wouldn't be alone, we could have had each other, right? But that wasnt the only problems..
You see, once I realised I could manipulate a nation until I had them at my finger tips I knew I could do anything to anyone, I had all the power and all the kinds of young strong people working with me... For me, and nobody could persuade them to do any different.
I knew at that moment that your love was giving me weak points, I knew that the stronger our love the more easy it would be for you or for anyone to defeat me. And, I can't afford that to happen my love, you should have known this was never gonna be about us, this was about my nation, a nation I care for more than I could have ever cared for you. At least with this nation I had profits from it; money, people, power...
Things that you just can't give me anymore and have never really gave me before all of this. I loved you, I truly did and maybe in the future or the past we could be together but this nation is who I am, more than just your lover. You of all people should understand since we grew together from nothing, now I have no time for you, for someone who doesn't view this in the way that I do. You don't fit with me in my heart and god damn soul, we aren't meant to be together how can't you see that? It's so easy to see that I've been using you quackity. Every task and trip away to get me cigarettes and do 'important jobs' have only ever been to get rid of you because the more your away, the better I am. I am better off without you quackity and you need to fucking realise that. *slams hands down on table*
Ughhh you mad me fucking spill my drink you bastard. Is there nothing you actually do right at this point.

YOU LIED TO ME SCHLATT AND NOW BLAME ME FOR SOMETHING I DIDNT CAUSE. do you not realise that maybe I could feel some kind of human emotions. And just because you dull all your pain from this all with alcohol doesn't mean my pain should be ignored like its fucking nothing. I'm so fed up of you thinking you own me, don't you remeber that we were in this together 'till the very end... Or was that just empty words to you. Did our endless conversations under the skies mean nothing to you, cause I know for the momemts where you believed I was the only one who could be the other half to you and you held me in your arms, you knew I was the one and now I'm suddenly nothing.... I find that hard to believe schlatt. I know you need me. You need me schlatt, you need me more than anyone. More than your friends, your nation or your fucking alcohol, I know I am the thing your burying your pain for, I get that you need to be secretive for your work but don't fucking lie to me jschlatt. Your work has got NOTHING, i repeat NOTHING to do with why you want to leave me, leave our passion, care and hopes behind. THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU, and your problems with yourself. Your trying to manipulate me like you do to all of them and im sick of it, we can go back to how it was before, you just need to tell me that you love me and this will all go back to the way it was, just say the words and our problems will go away. Please just say them.. 'I love you'... Its all I need to hear and it will be all over.. Schlatt please.

*schlatt chuckles under his breath*
Oh quackity, hah your in denial... I can see right through you...you see when I told you I no longer loved you, it wasnt me trying to lie or as you call it, me 'trying to manipulate you' Its that sometimes people aren't meant for love. And one of the people are you...

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