I'm sorry Wilbur

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Niki and Wilbur au
(not a ship)

3rd person pov

"Wilbur stop" Niki managed to croak out of her hoarse throat from their pointless shouting. Her tears still represented through her quivering voice, as the front door slammed, shutting out the noise of the thunderstorm in full force. She could barely breathe let alone run after him, he wasn't coming back.

Sobs racked her body as she picked up her phone, the moon lighting her bare apartment as she placed a call, a call she knew would be declined but she had to try, she had to at least let him know that she still cares even after what she had done. But to no avail he didn't pick up. Of course he didn't pick up what was she thinking, she had been a complete asshole and expected him to forgive her, she had fucked up for quite possibly the last time.
She slid down the bare kitchen wall as her cries took over her body, what had she just done.

Wilbur's pov

Her sobs startled me as I slammed the door, she had said things to me, why was she the one crying.

"pathetic," I spat out.

The cold air whipped my face before my thoughts could go any further. The clouds were getting darker and the thunder was getting louder, the storm roared creating pellets of rain to soak through my clothes. The bitterness of the wind flowed with the anger laced on my tongue creating fresh tears to fall on my fragile skin. It was almost impossible to escape the weather as I made my way towards a random field. I sat beneath an old oak tree as my fingers strummed across the fragile frame of my guitar, playing a simple melody to distract from the worries of tonight. The tune filled the air as the pitter patter of rain drops hit each leaf creating a tune of its own. the memories seemed to almost flutter away before I got a call I had dreaded getting, it was Niki.

I didn't want to decline but what she had done had pissed me off, I didn't feel in the mood for arguing again, so I let the simple tune of my ringtone play into the wind. A hint of sadness filled my voice once the perfect melody I played was accompanied by the flutters of my voice, a small feeling of sorrow added to the lyrics.

time skip

Niki's pov

A few hours has passed at this point, my sobs have turned into ragged breathes as my mind races to where he could have possibly gone. The rainfall had died down since he had left, the calming sound of raindrops hit my roof, all I want is for him to call, just one call even my phone misses his calls.

we haven't spoke since you went away,

comfortable silence is so overrated,

why wont you say what you want to say,

even my phone misses your calls, by the way,

maybe one day you'll call you and tell you that I'm sorry too,

but you, never do...

The lyrics seemed to flow into my notebook as the feelings have started making its own song just like Wilbur's, our emotions truly making a perfect melody amongst our sorrows. I suppose just as much as I messed up I wanted an apology from him too, I knew I didn't deserve it but to know that he felt sorry for shouting too would have eased my mind a bit.

3rd person pov

Niki had just sat and hoped he would come home that night, the lyrics filling her page and creating a song only a bird could whistle into a tune. Wilbur had also been writing but the words spilled like honey out of his mouth, the sweet lyrics engulfing the air into a love like no other. after hours of crying, listening and letting his emotions free Wilbur knew all he needed was Niki back. The one person who truly made things better. He loved her he really did, even when she made his whole life turn upside down he still cared for the girl and he wouldn't stop caring until the lyrics ran out and the melody stopped playing.

Wilbur's pov

The crescent moon reflected on the puddles as the rain drops created ripples of emotions similar to the ones from tonight. I watched the night sky's colours change into light blues and reds before I had made it up to her doorstep. I brought my hand up and knocked the door ever so lightly as my hand tremored from the memories that happen within these four walls. The sound of her tiptoeing down the stairs almost made me feel nervous, I wished I hadn't shouted but the opportunity to fight for my side of the story presented itself and I took that chance. I completely regret it but I cant change what I did neither of us could yet I felt so bad. Before even another thought entered my mind she was stood there in the door, tear stains coated her cheeks but a small smile still present amongst her sadness. her small frame was suddenly engulfed into mine as she hugged me for the first time since last night.

"I'm sorry Wilbur"

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