The Other Half

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We know the theory that when you join the earth you are separated from your soul mate, the person who makes everything okay and makes you feel complete. Some of us never get to meet our soulmates as we never cross paths, they simply live amongst other hopeless wanderers all on a journey to find someone they don't believe exist, some even live across the world meeting in peculiar ways seeming destined to find each other and in this story that was the case, they were an ocean apart but their soulmate was right under their nose, someone who they would least expect. After all as much as soulmates twinkle in the sky painting a gallaxy once the sun comes out they simply flutter away. Your chance could be gone before you even knew it was there.

Its no secret that a soulmate is someone you love and trust but what does it mean when you create that love and trust through a bond before you even meet, when you meet your soul mate everything should fit into place and feel perfect as if you knew those stars would never go away and the galaxy would never get painted over. Maybe in some cases it just wasn't like that and sitting miles apart yet seeing each other face on a screen was enough for those sparks to fly. The galaxy was strong but it wasn't capable of something that hadn't happened before. Its one thing to even find your soul mate let alone watch them slowly become you friend then your best friend completely turning into someone you share your darkest fears too. It was if they knew they were soulmates without the spark being there for them. They made their own version of soulmates even though maybe some day in the future they could find their true secrets and maybe their fears would become unravelled and simple float away, after all with your soul mate all worries are forgotten about there is no point in worrying when you've got your other half by your side. Fighting your battles together always there to patch you up when your down. It's not always easy to do that from behind a screen but tubbo and ranboo knew they were there for each other. I mean they just had to be even if they weren't soulmates.

Tubbo saw ranboo as a protective spirit he knew they would be able to hug in real life but his words created their own boundary around him, a sort of protective layer, to keep him from all harms way. This wouldn't be enough for the outside world, as everyone seems to go up to any stranger in a coincidence that they could be soulmates, for some people it's turned into a full time job wondering the streats on their hopeful journey to find their loved one. It's only became a reality to some that if you haven't met your soul mate yet than you probably never would, they weren't the most reliable as sometimes someone would travel after feeling drawn to a certain country or island while others feel as though nothing is happening in their life and come to the conclusion that their soulmates got lost amongst the stars and simply settled for someone else, others believe they never had soulmates to begin with, they simply never felt that spark ready to ignite in thier chest or the hope in their heart egaer to find a match, the light just never came, and that's the sad reality of it all, nobody knew if they had a soulmate, if they were ever going to meet them and if maybe thier soulmate didn't turn out to be someone they expected it to be.
Over the past few months ranboo has began to see tubbo as someone he can finally trust, after having so many people want to become your friends just to find out if your soulmates it's hard to find someone that actually cares about you. As the match isn't always instant, the sparks can take longer if the bond isn't there, it was a tiring thing havingto re-tell every new friend things about you. Ranboo had gotten to the point where he had given up and stopped making friends at all, that was until tubbo came along that is. I suppose as much as everyone knew sparks couldn't happen from miles apart he felt something different about tubbo. He was so different from the rest, it wasnt long before he returned to his happy demeanour as before, relieved once he realised tubbo wasn't leaving him.

As much as you can trust someone, their is always the chance that someone else has taken your own soulmates and considering tubbo and ranboo hadn't felt a spark with anyone so far they assumes it just wasn't meant to be. After 18 the sparks die down and become harder to find them but once you do it's all worth it in the end but with too teens nearing closer to 18 they were sceptical you could say about whether or not this soulmates thing was real or maybe they felt the spark and it just wasn't strong enough. The truth is that happened, they were too wound up in finally finding someone to trust they didn't realise the bond they had made. They were so scared of each other leaving yet they didn't realise they were too trapped in their bond to even be able to leave. Tubbo and ranboo embraced the fact that they wouldn't find anyone and settled with each other, they already had a perfect bond, what difference would it make if in the future they find out the truth, they act like soulmates already but haven't even shared a breath but eachothers words were enough for the young boys oblivious to the friendship they had truly made..

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