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"So can you tell us about the relationship you had involved yourself in with suna rintarou"

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"So can you tell us about the relationship you had involved yourself in with suna rintarou"

Wednesday February 4th 8:03 am

I step out of the car into the damp pavement. It had just rained yesterday so the air still has that earthy scent in it and the sky is still gray and cloudy. I looked up at the building we had just parked in front of "INARIZAKI". I Inhale my cigarette and blow out the smoke.

"So our photoshoot will be at a high maximum security prison, ah yes nothing speaks aesthetically pleasing than a place full of cold blooded killers".
I hear akaashi walk up behind me, even though it's 8 am in the morning, his sarcasm will never get old.

He then grabs my cigarette out of my fingers and drops it on the ground, putting it out with his shoes. Smashing the ash into the concrete. I let out a lazy chuckle while putting my cold hands in my pocket.

"I know right, what were they thinking when they let 4 models dress up in designer clothes and pose in some smelly ass prison cells"

I tell akaashi who is still behind me admiring the prison walls. Not gonna lie the prison in this type of whether, with the smoke still floating around in the air from my cigarette. Kinda gives the place this surreal yet suspenseful aura.

"CRAPPY KAWA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DROP Y/N'S OUTFIT IN THAT PUDDLE I WILL KICK YOUR ASS", i hear our manager yell at oikawa already. Way to ruin the moment.

What's with the nicknames " oikawa says in his normal whiny tone. "SHITTYKAWA THEN" iwazuimi yells back. "Now you're just being vulgar", Oikawa rolls his eyes and walks towards me and hands me my outfit he apparently almost dropped in a puddle.

."It's 8 in the morning, how did you already get on his bad side? '' I hear akaashi say with a deep sigh and annoyance laced in his tone.

"I don't know why he's only yelling at me, kenma is still in the car playing mario kart and y/n didn't even help us unload ''

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