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Cross my heart, hope to dieTo my lover I'd never lieHe said, "Be true," I swear, "I'll try

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Cross my heart, hope to die
To my lover I'd never lie
He said, "Be true," I swear, "I'll try."
In the end...

"it was him and I"

August 12 11:24pm


Ukai shouts our way.

Suna and I sprint down the wet, dark street. Hair soaked and our breath crystalized by the freezing air.

Red and blue lights flash and sirens holler behind us. Our adrenaline spiked to the highest it has ever been in our lives. Our legs taking us down the concrete as we hear police cars speed up. The lights are only getting brighter and closer.


Suna pulls us into a tight alleyway only illuminated by some old lights. We sprint into the alley in order to avoid the speeding cops.

The line of cars drive by so fast their rush picks up an aggressive amount of wind that blow our hair and the rain but luckily they miss us for now.

Suna slips behind a dumpster and drags me down with him in an attempt to hide. We're panting like crazy and our hearts are beating so fast our whole chests vibrates.

"We need a plan like, now"
Suna says while he hugs my body for some warmth and protection.

"The fuck we gonna do, Cops are scattered around italy looking for us Rin...we're dead"

I choke out. This is it-

"Shut the hell up y/n we aren't dead yet okay, we just need a plan to atleast get out of the area only for a bit"

Suna announces, the only thing really holding him together right now is his worrying adrenaline and some current hope he's still grasping on to.

But our minds are so cramped with panic and anxiety we can't think of shit. We sit in silence trying to have some plan come to mind but our frustration and lack of patience, not to mention our pure fear is not helping us out at all.

𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐌 |𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶Where stories live. Discover now