xxv. flicker

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xxv. flicker

he assured me he was harmless

why did i ever trust a fox?

i ignored all my teachings

how i survived, i cant believe

i almost let him get his claws in

still knocks the wind right out of me

and though i got away

i never walked the same

(jensen mcrae)


(pls listen to this song, it's so precious and it made me cry)


"Out of the way, bitches," I push through the crowd to the door to the auditorium, scanning the list of casting with hungry eyes. When I find my name on the sheet, I whirl around so fast my hair flies into the face of this boy named Graham who is obsessed with me.

"To absolutely no one's surprise, the highly sought-after part of Lady Macbeth has gone to me," I say with a big smile, pressing my hand to my chest and then I give the girl next to me with a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, Wheezy," I say lightly to Shannon, who, due to the noises she made whilst in the middle of her seizure, has now been dubbed the nickname. She scowls at me and crosses her arms, storming out of the hallway.

"As per the rules written and signed by moi, the lead roles are in charge of the lesser, unimportant roles. Which means me and this cretin-" I yank Timothy towards me and he stumbles to my side- "Are in charge. If you speak, it's to praise me. If you move, it's to do as I say. If-"

A bunch of girls in the back of the group murmur to each other at my words, heads bent together.

"What are you yams gossiping about?" I say with my hands in my fists.

"You can't be in charge, Gianna." Emily says in an exasperated voice, "It's Barry, he's the director-"

"Oh-I'm sorry-did anyone else hear that noise? That annoying buzz in the air?" I tilt my head as if I were listening intently to something.

Timothy rolls his eyes from beside me and leans against the door, folding his arms on his chest.

Emily stares at me with pink spots on her cheeks and I just grin. "Careful, airhead. If your ballon-like head swells anymore it'll explode."

"Hey," the door to the theater entrance opens and Amir steps in, hands in his pockets. He seems winded, his noise pink from the cold.

"Ah, baby sweetums, just in time." I hold out my hands to him excitedly. "As no one doubted, you have received the part you auditioned for," I push Timothy off the door and gesture to the paper taped there dramatically, "Lord Duncan."

Soft grumbles fill the hallway and people start to trudge off, dispersing from the door.

"Oh," Amir says, his face lighting up. "Cool,"

"God you are so dramatic," Timothy rolls his eyes at me.

"Go back to Tartarus, Gollum." I hiss back.

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