XIX -The thing called love-

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"Lighthouse... Opera...!?"

Everyone was in shock. No one would have thought to see a very rare kind of lighthouse in there and surprisingly it was used by a young ranker Khun Aguero Agnes.

Travia's eyes widened. "Is that a lighthouse Opera?" How can a mere ranker have it?

"Aguero!?" He used an opera!?

Meanwhile Lyra and Byro met up with Maka and Cob.

"What was that?" Maka wondered.

"It's an Opera." Lyra said. She knew as she is also a lighthouse bearer.

"What!? That rare stuff!?"


"Who would have thought our leader has it..." Cob said. "What a mysterious guy..."

After that Khun goes down from the ship's roof together with Aruse. The ship then went off as soon as they gained the power to do so.

Aruse was as surprised as everyone as he didn't expect Khun to used an Opera. How come he has it? He wondered as he continue to help Khun stand as he sprained his ankle earlier in a fight with Hatzling.

Meanwhile, Travia decided to not follow the ship anymore and confront Khun. That brat, how come he has that lighthouse!? He's just a normal ranker... but the thing is... He just used his power against me. She said to herself as she walks towards Khun.

Hatzling on the other hand also went to Khun. "Aguero, you- did you know what you just did!?" Hatzling said with an angry face and voice. "You know what, i was going to let you off for fighting against me to defend the Slayer, but you just went ahead and used an Opera to block Travia's attack!"  

"I know what I'm doing Hatzling and i don't regret it. I already told you, he is that important to me." Khun said.

"You don't know what you're doing Khun! Doing something like this will get you killed! Try to Understand you're situation. Having a fight with another Leader is not bad as it was a competition from the start, but defending the ship of the slayer? Are you out of your mind!?"

Killed...? Is Khun gonna die? Aruse thought to himself. "Khun..."

"Khun Aguero Agnes..." Travia called.

Aruse, Khun and Hatzling look back at Travia.

"Travia..." Aruse mumbled.

"Khun Aguero Agnes, what do you think you're doing defending the slayer and letting them escape!" She shouted out of anger. "You know that doing this is like commiting the same crime as the slayer." She said as she get near Khun.

Hatzling glared at Travia. "Stop there Travia. Make another step and you'll fight me."

"Hmp! As overprotective as ever huh... Hatzling. You're brother just commited a crime are you saying you'll let it go?"

Hatzling grit his teeth as he was still glaring at Travia. "No, i will bring him with me. He will be punished in the house."

Travia glared back at Hatzling. "You better do if not i'll also report you." She said as she walk away from there.

Khun's and Hatzling's group went to where Hatzling and Khun are. Still confuse of what just happened. Hatzling ordered them to rest for the night and will talk tomorrow morning.

Khun who was resting in a sealed room made by his brother Hatzling wondered, worried if Bam safely left the floor. "I miss him... i got to see him again, but it was so fast it's not enough it feels like an illusion."

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now