VII -He cannot be dead-

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The test then began.

While Khun is in his light-house making strategies...

"Argh! Why the heck did i confess like that!?" He said. Is that really what i feel? He asked to himself as he was still a little confuse of  his like to Bam. It just slipped my mouth but, i felt that if i didn't say anything, I might not be able to say it anymore. He sighted.

"Khun? Is everything alright?" Shibisu asked.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Okey! Then what's the plan?" He asked again.

Khun then explained them his strategy for the test. All of them agreed and started to move to their positions.

Meanwhile. Bam who was inside the Shinsu bubble that is now starting to rise up.

He look around him as he see the fishes swim around him in a beautiful way as if they were dancing. They also emit beautiful light, that makes Bam mesmerized.

He then remembered Khun's word of confession. He smiled. He was overjoyed by the thought. I hope we can finish the test soon. He said as the shinsu bubble slowly rise up.

Meanwhile, Khun and the group are now observing their enimies from a distance. Making a move slowly and in silence, so that the enimies wouldn't notice.

An hour passed and their plan is moving smoothly. Everything is according to their plan. There is only one person they need to wait, for the exam to be succeed and that is Bam.

"Hmp! This is easier than i thought. Now we just need to wait for the black turtle to be spit out by the this huge thing." Rak said as he crossed his arms while waiting in a cave where they were suppose to meet Bam.

"Yeah, good thing the bull didn't showed up." One of the regulars said.

When he said that, Khun was a little startled. He was a little confused. The exam is not as hard as he thought it would be. But, the most strange thing is that the bull didn't appear.

Should it be luck? He thought to himself as he think something is wrong. Hansung Yu clearly said that they need to be careful and aware of the bull. It means that they will definitely meet the bull. He then started to be anxious.

That time Shibisu was thinking the same as Khun. He also thought it was weird for the bull, not to show up.

"Don't let your guard down." Khun said through the light-house.

Shibisu then get why Khun said it. As they might still have a chance to meet the bull.

Meanwhile, Inside the Shinsu bubble. Bam was waiting until he rise to the top as he control the shinsu inside so he wouldn't be caught up to the water current. Under the water is so silent.

Suddenly he heard a little splash in the water. It was a very little sound but, since the place is so silent he heard it clearly. He was a little surprised. He felt anxious and so prepared himself in case he needs to fight.

When suddenly he heard something from his back. He immediately look back but, is too late as the bull's mouth that was wide open was already in front of him.

The bull tried to bite him but is protected by the shinsu bubble. He then tried to attack it using his shinsu but, his power is not enough to knock out the bull. He just pushed it a little away from him. The bull then started to attack again this time Bam attack him as soon as he opened his mouth. The bull was pushed back and looks like he was hurt a little.

Bam was waiting for the bull to open his mouth again to attack but, this time the bull didn't open his mouth. He used his hard head and hit the shinsu bubble. This time Bam hurt his arm as he tried to protect himself but the bull didn't even give Bam a second and strike again this time Bam fell outside the shinsu bubble.

He was surprised. He didn't know what to do and just notice that he was already outside the shinsu bubble. His eyes was wide open as he saw the bull turned back and left as if he already finished his goal.

Bam was in shock. Nothing around him he can hold on. He was just slowly falling deep down the water. He stared at the light on the top. It was where he was suppose to go but, now he can't. Khun he said to himself as he tried to reach the light with his hand. He was sad and dissapointed at the same time. Im sorry, I failed...

He was sad because, he might not meet Khun again anymore. He was dissapointed because he was weak and now, failed to pass the exam.

His vision then slowly blured. His breath was also reaching it's limit. His arm was bleeding too much. He was tired and started to felt cold as he was still going more deeper and deeper under water he started to lose the light from the top and  he also lost his consciousness.

Meanwhile at the cave where the regulars are waiting for Bam. The Goby dolphin started to gather near the Goby Queen to get the fish.

Khun then also arrived at the cave to wait for Bam.

The time has passed by and the Goby dolphin already had a lot of fish they catch but, Bam is nowhere to be found.

Khun became more anxious. Thinking that Bam might met the Bull under water. He suddenly felt his heart was sqeezed. It was the exact time when Bam lost his consciousness. "Bam..."

"What's taking the black turtle long?" Asked Rak.

The regulars was also wondering as to why Bam hadn't rise up yet.

"This is bad." Shibisu said.

Khun look at him as he heard Shibisu say it. "Shibisu, what do you mean?" He asked.

"Maybe, Bam met the bull?" When Shibisu said it, all the regulars look at him.

Khun's eyes widened as he also had the same conclusion. But, he doesn't want to believe it. No one can hurt Bam under water since all of the enimies are in the surface so they just need to stop them but, the thing is they were uncertain of what can a bull do? He might be able to swim.

"What? Isn't that bad?"

"Yeah, fighting it alone is impossible."

"Let's wait a little more." Said Khun. He was also worried and want to call the administrator but, he has still hope that Bam was alright and just had a little delay.

But, an hour passed. Bam didn't come. The regulars then called for the emergency. Khun was in shock, he was lost for words. He doesn't want to believe the possibilities that Bam might died under water.

After that the regulars gathered in a room. They were silent waiting for the news.

Khun was in daze. He stopped thinking. The only thing he was thinking is Bam. "Bam..." He called as he clench his fist.

Shibisu stared at Khun. He became worried as Khun was just in daze and is not saying anything at all. He then  approached him and pat his shoulder.

"Khun, everything will be alright." He said as to comfort Khun. He knows it's not enough to calm Khun but he said it anyway.

After an hour, Lero Ro entered the room to bring them the news he acquired.

"We searched the whole area but... We didn't find Bam." He said. "He might have been eaten by the big fishes in the very deep under water. We can assume that Bam is already dead.

The regulars was in silence they were filled with sadness as they already became close to Bam in their previous tests together.

Khun's eyes widened. He can't believe what he just heard. No, impossible. Bam can't be dead... without notice a tear that hasn't come out from his eyes since he was still a child fell from his eyes.

Shibisu saw it. Khun was a lot more hurt than any of them. It was his best friend he said to himself.

"Bam cannot be dead." Is the only thing Khun can say.


I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now