IX -New Slayer-

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At the party.

"There's a lot of people..."

"Well, there's a lot of invited guests..." Hwaryun said as she walk in front of viole. He was guiding him.

"Hwaryun. What am i suppose to do here? Do i really need to be here?" Viole asked as he was wondering.

"This will be your night Viole... So, of course you must be here." She said as she smiled. "Oh, first wear this mask. It would be a problem if someone knows you will to see you."


"Hmm..." Viole look around the place as he saw a lot of people wearing different clothes in different colors. "It's crowded..." He mumbled. "I wonder if i would see him here?" but, that kind of coincidence is too good to be true. He sighted of dissapointment.

That time Khun and his group just arrived at the entrance.

"Excuse us may we see your invitations?" A guy who looks like a guard blocked their way.

Cob then stepped forward and showed their invitations. "Now, can we enter?"

The guard was surprise to see that their invetation is of a higher gold class. In short a VIP invitation. "Of course, Please come in." How the hell can a regular have that kind of invitation?

And so Khun and his group entered the party. "It's pretty crowded" Said Lyra.

Everyone on the party is having fun, making cheers to each other as the different light flashes to their faces from the stage. After a little while. The party host spoke in the front.

"Hello everyone, My name is Thio(OC). Im the one who created this game called the PALACE OF GEMS. First of all i want to thank you everyone for coming here!" Giving his thanks for those who will participate and watch the event.
"Everyone~ Let's have a cheers!" He said and raised his glass. Everyone raised their glasses and say "Cheers!"

"Let the party begin!" Thio(OC) said.

The people then started to dance as the music plays. Everyone is getting their partner to have a dance with.

"Viole! Aren't you going to dance?"

"Master, Jinsung Ha... I don't really know how to dance and I don't know anyone who i can dance with."

"Where is Hwaryun?"

"She just left. She said she need to do something."

"Hmm... Oh, How about that girl?" Jinsung Ha said as he pointed a girl in a light blue cocktail dress. "What a rare beauty" He said. "Go and try to ask her."

"Eh? But-"

"Just go and enjoy the night." Jinsung Ha said and smiled as he slightly pushed Viole's back.

Viole stumbled a little and look at the girl who were standing not far from where he is. The girl was slowly drinking her wine from her glass in a sophisticated manner. Viole stared at her a little before approaching her. She's indeed beautiful... He thought to himself.

Meanwhile Khun... I wonder where is this slayer... by the way this wig is too damn hot! Khun said to himself as he look around him and slowly drink his wine when suddenly someone came to him.

"Excuse me..." A guy in a black coat said. It was Viole.

"Hmm?" Whose this guy?. Khun wondered as he look at him and saw the fug sign in the guy's mask. Fug... Is he also a regular?

"Can i have a dance with you?" He asked.

A chance! Said Khun to himself as he was thinking of finding more about the guy if he happen to be one of the participating regular. He might also be the slayer. He guessed. He then nodded.

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now