VI -The last test-

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"Leader, don't you have any information about the irregular yet?" Cob(OC) asked him through the pocket.

Khun paused as he was a little hesitant to speak. "....."

"Leader? Is something wrong?"

"No. nothing. I also don't have any information about it." He said as he clench his fist. Right, i don't know who is it yet but, it isn't Bam. He said to himself.

That night. Bam slowly opened his eyes. Somehow he felt anxious and can't sleep. He then go to the veranda of their room to cool himself off, when he saw Khun using his pocket in the veranda. He looks like he was talking to someone, Bam then suddenly called onto him.


Khun was startled. He suddenly made his pocket in to invisible mode. "Bam!?"

"Is something wrong Khun-san?" He asked out of curiosity.

"No... Can't sleep?"

"Yeah. Somehow i can't calm down." Said Bam.

"Yeah, me too..." Khun said as he was also anxious about tomorrow. His gut feeling was telling him, that something will happen tomorrow.

"Khun-san." Bam called him as he look at the night sky.


"You think a God is necessary to achieve people's hapiness?" He asked.

Khun look at him, he was a little surprised to his question and said. "Well, i don't think so. People can achieve happiness for their own. The existence of the leader, God might affect them but, it's still their own decision if they want to be happy themselves then they should work for it. They should make effort for it."

Bam just stared and listened to Khun as he speak. "I see..." He said as he look back at the night sky again. " So, there is not a necessarily need for a God right?" He mumbled.

"Bam?" Khun called as he slightly heard Bam speak, but it was in a low voice so he couldn't hear it. "Did you say something?"

"No. It's nothing."

"I see."

The two just stayed there in a silence. Bam look at Khun, who was looking at the sky. He then slipped his hand to Khun's hand and slowly hold it. Khun was surprised. He look at Bam but He is not looking at him anymore.

"Bam..." Khun called.

"Khun-san, Im sorry. I just don't want to let go for now. Please let me hold your hand for a little while longer." Bam said as he was still looking at the night sky.

Khun's eyes widened because that time he also want to do the same but, Bam was first to say and do it. I don't know why... but I have this strong feeling of protecting Bam. He said to himself.

While the two is still holding each others hand. Khun's heart start to beat fast. Bam also felt the same but, they remained silent. Appreciating that moment, no one wants to let go of each others hand. That time the only thing they can hear is their own heart thumping.

After a while.

The two decided to sleep. As Khun was about to lay in his bed Bam called him. "Khun-san."

Khun look back at Bam. "What is it?"

"Can i sleep with you?"

Khun was startled to what Bam has just said. He was loss for words. That time the two of them just stared with each other. Bam then get out of his bed and walk towards Khun. Khun just look at Bam as he walks towards him.

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now