IV -Bam's will-

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2 days have passed. Khun who was hit in the crown game was still unconscious. Bam stayed in Khun's side almost all day, waiting for him to wake up. He was blaming himself for what happened to Khun, that it was due to him being weak.

"Khun-san..." He called with a soft voice as he caress Khun's hair. "Im sorry..." Bam said as he felt his heart was hurting as he is looking at Khun's unconscious body.

That time, He became motivated. He wants to be strong so that he can protect Khun next time.

I don't always want to be protected. He said to himself as he hold Khun's hand. I'll become strong so that when something like this will happen again. I can protect you. He said while looking at Khun.

The next day. Bam visisted Khun again. This time Khun began to wake up. Bam was surprised and unconsciously he hug Khun tight.

"Bam?" Khun called him.

"Im glad your awake now Khun-san." Bam said as he was still hugging Khun not letting him go. 

Khun was speechless to Bam's action that it made his heart skip a beat.

After a minute Bam calmed down a little and let go of Khun. "Im sorry Khun-san... It's my fault, It's my fault that you-" Before Bam finishes his word...

Khun slapped Bam's chicks with his both hands making it red. "Calm down Bam. Im fine now, see?" He said as to convince Bam to not to worry anymore.

"Oh, the Blue turtle is awake!" Rak said as he just enetered the room.

After that Bam told Khun what happened for those two days that he hasn't woke up.

"I see, so now your taking classes?"

"Yeah, they said it was to train us for our positions... By the way your position is a light-bearer Khun-san." Bam said.

Yeah, I know. said Khun to himself as he expected that to be his position, since when they are still in Jahad's palace they were already trained for their positions. "Hmm... Bam what position are you?" He asked.

"Im a wave controller."

Huh? Bam is a wave controller? but i didn't even saw him use shinsu. Khun said to himself as he was confused. "I see..."

"Are you okey Khun-san?" Bam asked.

"Im okey Bam. I think i can go to class tomorrow." He said as he smiled to Bam.

"Really? Im glad." Bam said with a big smile in his face.

After that Bam left the room so that Khun can fully recover.

Bam really is mysterious... Khun said to himself as he lay on his bed. And... This is so not me, saving someone like that... risking my life like that... How come? He said as he rested.

Meanwhile Bam go to the dining hall to meet their new friends. Since when  Khun was still unconscious for two days. Bam and Rak made some friends with the regulars from the other testing area.

"Bam!" a guy called Shibisu called him. "Come here and join us for lunch." He said with a smile.

While eating with them.

"By the way how's Khun?" Shibisu asked him.

"He's fine now. I let him get some rest for now."

"What's this? Even though his awake now you still look depressed."  Endorsi said as she put her arm to Bam's shoulder.

"It's just, i can't do anything. Im too weak." He said in a depressed tone.

Everyone in the table then became silent.

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now