XI -Behind the mask-

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The day for the first game then came. Everyone is preparing themselves for the first game. Some of the regulars are nervous, some are excited. Since it was a game to see whose the strongest regulars are in this floor.

The guests can't wait for this entertainment. They want to see it sooner. As they are interested of adopting some of the regulars who would excel to these games into their family.

"Did you hear? that a new slayer is participating?"

"Yeah, I attended the night party yesterday. He doesn't look that strong at all. He was kind of small. I didn't think they would put a big title to that brat."

"FUG, must be desperate huh..."

"Who said were desperate?" One of the FUG player from Viole's group asked as he was irritated of what he had heard.

The guests were surprised they lost for words. "No. It's not that...." The guest said as he felt a chill from the guy.


"The game will start in 15 minutes. All of the participataing regulars please gather in the game area for the explaination of the game mechanics." Said the announcer.

And so all of the regulars went to the game area with their respective groups.

"I wonder what kind of game were going to play..." Lyra wondered.

"I hope it's not that hard..." Maka said.

"Hmp! weaklings." Aruse mumbled.

After a while Thio(OC) take the mic and started to speak. "Hello regulars! I, the creator of this event will be your announcer for this game."

The special guests and other people started to focus and listened to the announcer.

"I will now tell you the name of the game. It's called STEAL THE BASE. As the name suggests your going to steal the base of your enemy."

"Steal huh... an easy job." Said Khun as he continued to listen.

"You will choose one leader that will do the stealing of base from the other group. The leader then will choose who would stay in the base to protect it and who will go with him to steal a base. You need to steal five bases before the time runs out, if the number of steal bases are not enough when the time runs out you lose. Remember, that while stealing the other base and you lose to them, you  lose the game and your base will be theirs. I'll give you 10 minutes to prepare yourselves." He said.

The regulars then go to their respective bases and started to make a plan to win the game. A little later the game then started.

"So what's the plan Leader?" Asked Cob.

Khun then told them the plan. His strategy is working well. As the time passes the groups started to narrow down. Khun's group already gathered five bases they just need to wait for the time to runs out to win the game.

Khun and the one he chose to be with him Aruse is about to come back to their base when they encountered Viole and Hwaryun.

As Hwaryun saw another group. She immediately get herself into a fighting stance. Looking carefully with the people in front of her. She glared at them.

Khun glared back at Hwaryun but, didn't move. Aruse on the other hand moved into a fighting stance and glared at Viole.

Meanwhile Viole was surprised to see the person in front of him. He mumbled. "Khun...?" He was frozen. He was just wishing of seeing Khun again coincidentally in this game and it just came true. He has mixed feelings of happiness, nervousness and a little scared. Scared that Khun will hate him if he knew that he was a slayer. Yes, this slayer Jue Viole Grace is none other than Bam himself.

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now