XXV -The day of war-

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Everyone made their preparation. FUG, Jahad and Edahn. They are now prepared to fight with their lives on the line. This war will decide, what will happen to the whole tower.

Will the tyrant king continue his reign? or will the FUG's slayer slay him and change the tower?

Everyone is on edge and is already prepared of whetever may happen as Jahad did not become a king just because of his charisma, but because he is the most powerful being in this tower.

The FUG and Khun's group together with Hatzling traveled up the floors.

"Are you nervous Khun?" Bam asked as he slipped his hand to Khun's hand.

Khun flinched a little in surprise to Bam's touch and blushed. "No... I, im just a little anxious." He said as he look at Bam. "Maybe i should just follow you to Jahad's throne room...?"

Bam's eyes widened. "No Khun, that would be dangerous. You guys stay away from the throne room."


"Khun, it would be okey. Im strong." Bam said with a confident smile. "Hm, but im still missing something."

"Eh? You forgot something at the headquarters? What should we do were now far from there..." Khun said with a worried expression.

Bam chuckled. "No it's not a thing."

"Then what is it?" Khun asked as he was quiet confused.

"A charm from you, so that i can surely win." He said with a big smile in his face.

Khun sighed in relief. "I see..." He then look at Bam. "What kind of charm should i give you?"

"Hmm... Im fine with anything you give..." Bam slowly looked at Khun. "Or maybe...do...?"

Khun's eyes widened. "Do?" He chuckled. "So it's like that..." Khun then grabbed Bam's face and make it face him. Khun then started to kiss Bam from the forehead to his nose to the both of his cheeks and lastly his lips. "This is what i'll call now my 5 kisses charm. Augh~ the name's kinda lame though..."

Bam became a little speechless with his face flushed as he stare at Khun. He chuckled. "The name... I kinda like it though~ but, hmm... The last kiss is kinda lacking..."

"What? It's not enough?"

"Yeah, not enough." This time, Bam grabbed Khun's face and kissed his lips as he slowly slipped his tongue inside.

Khun's eyes widened. "Ngh..." this guy! He said to himself as he blushed.

"Hehehe... Now im good." Bam said with a smile as he left to train himself again so that he will be in condition to fight.

"That guy seriously!" Khun said as he pout. He then slowly brushed his lips. "It's kinda hot. Ngh!" Now im the one who feels that it's not enough! He said to himself as blushed more.

At that time.

"Oh! Bam-san you okey?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah..."

"I see..." He doesn't look nervous at all! On the other hand he looks excited? As expected of the slayer! One of the FUG member said.

He got the wrong idea though. It's because this is what is running through Bam's mind. Khun is so cute~ damn i want to do more, is what he thought to himself as he smile.

3 hours later. At Jahad's palace, Jahad was sitting in his throne while tapping his finger on the throne's armrest. He was waiting with excitement on his face.

"Your Majesty. The scout from the east and west spotted a ship. It seems that it was the FUG's ship.

"Good~ now whenever they arrived at the right distance to fire, fire at them." Finally they've arrived. I've been bored from waiting.

"Yes, your majesty."

At FUG's ship.

"We can now see Jahad's palace!"

"What a huge palace!"

"This is my first time seeing it! It's so awesome!"

"Don't be too distracted and be on your right places! As we go nearer the palace we are to meet their line of sight! So be ready for any attack at any direction!"

"Yes sir!"

"Are you ready Bam?" Jinsung Ha asked as he pat Bam's shoulder.

"Yeah, im ready."

"Good. As we get closer enough to the palace run straight ahead inside the palace. Without looking back. You heard me? Without looking back."


"You'll be with Hwaryun and other members of FUG to assist you and I'll follow you at the back. Meanwhile, Khun, Hatzling and the others will go on the other door of the palace to clear the other places and to not let anyone near the throne room. Do you guys get it?"


"Okey now be ready."

And so a little later.

A fire landed on their ship. The ship trembled at it's power.

"It's seems that Jahad's commanders are on position."

"Okey, now everyone get ready we'll land at the palace at 5 minutes." Jinsung Ha said as he continue to monitor their enemies movements. "Though they are not that kind enough to wait for us to land. So brace yourselves. This could be your last breath!" He shouted making it clear to everyone how severe the situation they are going to face.

Bam whose preparing himself near the exit of the ship closed his eyes to calm himself as he remember what Jinsung Ha said earlier. "This could be our last breath huh..." He mumbled. Bam does not care if this could be his last at first. In his mind he just wanted to slay the king to end it all it was after all what his mother wanted and even if he doesn't really remember her he just wanted to take revenge, but this time is different.

Of course he still want his revenge, but he does not want this war to be were his last breath would stop. Since he met Khun, he dreamed of being together with him after this all ended. He wants to spend his whole life with him. That is why he can't afford to lose.

And so a little later the ship opened it's door. Bam immediately stand and readied himself. He clenched his fist and opened his eyes. He's now ready to face Jahad.

"Bam!" Called Khun. "Goodluck...and please come back to me alive."

Bam did not look back at Khun, but he smiled. "Of course, no matter what i'll come back to you" He said as he jump out of the ship and run as fast as he can without looking back.

Hwaryun who will be Bam's guide followed him and so the other FUG members who'll fight for the enemies whole be blocking Bam's way.

A little later after Jinsung Ha advised the remaining FUG members who'll be coming with Khun and Hatzling he then also followed Bam.

And so the ship ones again closed it's door and went to the other side of the palace. Of course, the commanders didn't let them have it easy. Jahad's commanders continued to attack the FUG ship. Khun whose excellent at handling lighthouse protected their ship and so 20 minutes of fighting on air they finally arrived at the other side of the palace.

The door is full of guards and the commanders have also just arrived and is now on their back. They were cornered.

But Khun doesn't care about it. He just went running through the door. Just thinking of assisting Bam no matter what and he needs to be fast as he can. So that Bam's enemies would be lessened.

At the throne room.

The war already started, but Jahad hadn't made a move. He was still sitting comfortably in his throne. He was waiting. He felt like it was just the only thing he need to do, because he can feel that whenever he is, the slayer will be coming to him.

He smiled. Thinking of how he would crush the slayer. He can think of many ways to do it, but it doesn't really matter the only thing he needs to do is to kill his opponent. "If he came to kill, i'll give him an apportunity to do so... That is, if he can even land a fist on me." And so he chukled at the thought of the slayer's destiny to his hands.


I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now