XXII -The Alliance-

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One day passed. Finally Edahn's and Jahad's fight ended. Edahn's place was so wrecked that you wouldn't even think that it was a former house of one of the Ten Great Families.

Edahn lost in his fight with Jahad, but miraculously Jahad decided not to kill him and just left from there.

Meanwhile at FUG's headquarters.

"Hey did you hear?"

"About what?"

"Jahad and Edahn's fight!"

"What!? They did?"

"Yeah, it continued a whole day."

Some of the FUG's staffs chatted. Bam who was just passing by heard it all. He was surprised as he suddenly remember about Khun.

"don't tell me it's about Khun's action of defending our ship that time...?"

"Is something wrong Viole?"

Bam look back finding it was Hwaryun.

"Hwaryun-san... No, it's nothing."

Hwaryun stared at him for a while and said. "Is that so... Viole, how about we go outside a little? The weather is good."


"Come on. You need to breathe and relax a little."

Bam and Hwaryun then went outside. Bam look at the sky and wondered. Is Khun-san alright? He thought to himself.

Hwaryun look at Bam as Bam was in daze she asked. "Are you okey Viole?"

"Yeah." Bam answered as he was still looking at the sky.

"... Is that Khun Aguero Agnes important to you?"

Bam look at Hwaryun and smiled. "Yeah, he is. I am... his afterall." He said.

Hwaryun's eyes widened. "His...?"

"Yeah... You see, i made him cry and i can't atone to it if i didn't give my all to him."

"Isn't he being selfish?" Hwaryun said as she frowned.

Bam chuckled and said. "He is indeed being selfish, but he said that he's also giving me all of his so i guess im being selfish too since i want all of his to be mine."

Hwaryun became speechless to what Bam said. She frowned. "But, Viole you can't be a God with him by your side." She said.

Bam stared at Hwaryun with a little shock in his face. "What do you mean by that Hwaryun-san?"

Hwaryun clenched her fist and said. "A God, should be for everyone. No one can own him. Especially someone from the Ten Great Families."

"But, Khun is different from them!" Said Bam in a little high note.

Hwaryun frowned more and without realizing she shouted. "You can't! He's our enemy! Give up on him!" After that Hwaryun suddenly realized what she just said. Even she was surprised to what she just said."I..." Before she finished her sentence she took a glance at Bam.

Finding Bam glaring at her. Hwaryun flinch. She suddenly felt a chill down her spine. "Viole...?" She mumbled.

"Im sorry Hwaryun-san, but telling me to give him up is the only thing i can never do." Bam said as he left Hwaryun there.


Meanwhile, Khun, Hatzling and the rest of the group finally arrived at the secret place Hatzling was talking about.

"So this is the place..." Cob said as he look around the place that is covered with tall, big trees.

"This place is placed in the middle of the two floors and it's not a natural made it's a man made. It was created by an excellent high ranker is what i heard. No one believes this place exist though." Hatzling explained as he guide Khun and his group in the place.

I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now