XXVII -Jahad Vs. Bam-

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Bam decided to use his every best move at his hand. He was gifted with a lot of shinsu since birth so he decided to use it all to defeat Jahad. No matter what, i will defeat Jahad.

Meanwhile at some floor below Jahad's palace.

Edahn is making his way up the floor to Jahad's palace as fast as he can. He wants to end this all and all will end if Jahad will to die, but at the same he doesn't want it too happen. Somewhere in his heart there is a hesitation of not wanting Jahad to die.

One day, 200 years ago...

"Jahad, you said you wanted to be a king. Why is that?" Edahn ask as he was laying on the ground to rest.

Jahad who was sitting beside him. Look at him and smiled. "Remember the floors we passed by?" He said as he look at the fake sky above.

"Hm. What about it?"

"People who have no power are abused and people with a lot of power are hated, but not all of the strong are abusing their power, even so many of them are hated. Remember how the weak look at us? They shiver at the slight movement of our body. That's how scared they are."

"Hmm? But isn't it right to order the weak around? They won't be useful in any battle at all."

Jahad chuckled. "That's so you Edahn... but you know what, since we are strong we are supposed to help and protect the weak. So when i became the king, i will implement a fair and square treatment to all the people, weak or strong, big and small. Everyone would be looked at the same height."

Edahn look up at Jahad with his eyes wide open. "That would be a hard task! How many floors do you think this tower has?"

Jahad look at Edahn. "That is why, help me Edahn. Let's create it! That kind of tower."

Edahn stand and and stretch his body. "Okey! Once we reach the top of the tower, i don't have anything to do anyway. So, let me just help you then."

Jahad also stand up and walked in front of Edahn then look back at Edahn with a wide smile in his face. "Thanks Edahn!"

Edahn smiled back at him and said. "Yeah!"


Somewhere around the highest floor.

Edahn remembered the past of Jahad before he became the king. "He wasn't a bad man... Maybe some of this happened because i didn't support him properly... but, he's not what people think he is. If nothing of that event about V and Arlene happened or if i just said to him earlier that Arlene and V are in a relationship. Maybe... maybe something like this war would never happened..." Please... please Jahad don't do anymore than this. Stop now. Edahn wished inside his heart.

At the throne room.

Jahad and Bam continued to exchange blows. Jahad started to frown. How come this kid can match my speed and power? This is getting more irritating. Jahad jumped back and start to change his approach. This time he doubled his speed and came at Bam with his heavy fist.

Bam defended himself, but the impact is strong enough to throw him outside the room and lose his balance. He doubled his speed and power?! This would be harder than i thought it would be. He thought to himself as he started to gain his balance again. He gripped the sword of his mother tighter and closed his eyes for a while. Mother, please give me strength he said as he open his eyes again and so once again Bam gained strength as he think of his love ones he needed to protect.

Meanwhile Jahad sighed and stared at the dense smoke in front of him. Is that kid still alive? It would be good if all of his bones broke. He thought to himself. As the smoke that came from the wall where Bam was slammed at slowly disappear. Jahad's eyebrows started to frown and started to "tch! What a tough bastard."

And so Bam readied himself and attack Jahad once again. The two exchange blows again, but this time something is different. Jahad realize something is different from Bam's attack, but he can't exactly tell what is it. So, he just continued his offense without minding it. Unknown to Jahad Bam already hit him 10 times at the two same place and that is the back of his legs.

Jahad didn't realize it because he thought Bam was just attacking at random places. The difference is the strength of the blows. While Bam is hitting him at any places in his body the other hits are weaker compare to the strength he uses when hitting the back of Jahad's legs.

A little later Jahad realizes that he became slower. As he noticed this, he jumped backwards to feel what is happening to his body and when he was about to step forward again his legs stopped and he fell in his knees. His eyes widened to what just happened to him. He tried to stand, but his legs are shaking and wasn't able to gain his balance to stand again.

He then realizes that he is more beaten up than he thought he was. He smiled, a smile as if it was a joke and thought to himself. Impossible...just impossible. Is it because of that sword? That it hurt more than i thought it would be? Is it all your anger from Arlene? That make every slash of that sword hurt? What kind of joke is this?

Bam who was able to achieve it didn't lower his guard he has still his eyes focused on Jahad who was kneeling in front of him, Bam wants to take this chance to finish it once and for all, but his body is not listening to him. In this case even though Bam was still standing he didn't go unscratched. The exchange of blows he did with Jahad is still stronger.

His body is weakened with broken bones and scratch from all over his body. The only thing that is making him able to stand straight is the promise he made to Khun. As Bam started to think of Khun he tried to at least gain every last strength left from his body and raised his sword enveloped it with his shinsu. He then again gripped the sword tighter as to not let the sword slipped in his hand.

"Jahad... Let's end this now." Bam said as he was about to hit Jahad when something crushed into the throne room.

It was Edahn's ship. Edahn step out the ship and called. "Jahad, Bam."


I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now