I - The first Meeting-

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"Lately, I've been dreaming of this certain boy. He was an irregular who will someday enter this tower. In my dreams this boy will threaten this tower's order and will lead to chaos. I became anxious... Thus, I as your King, command you to look for that boy and bring his head in me." Jahad said with an intimidating voice that all of the people inside his throne room shivered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." They answered as they were kneeling in the ground without anyone daring to look at the King.

Leaded by princess Maschenny Jahad as the king commanded. A group of excellent regulars has been created. Twelve groups with twelve leaders each. They are called Jahad Special Force by the King's order. As the King commanded, the Special force left the King's palace and go to the places they are designated to search. A mission then has been started.

1 month later...

At the floor of tests Evankhell's floor.

"Mic test, Mic test. Hello, regulars! This is the first phase of this floor test. There are 400 of you in this place. Now, the only thing you need to do is to narrow down this 400 to 200! You can do any means to narrow down this number. Now, Let's begin the test!"

"Hm... killing each other in the first phase?"

While wandering around. he received a call in his pocket.

"Lyra(OC)? what is it?"

"Khun, What to do? Byro(OC) failed to enter the test."

"What!? How? When we just entered the floor at the same time?"

"I don't know. I just suddenly lost contact of him."

Khun sigh. "Tch, fine. Let it be. It's his fault anyway. You just focus on the test."

"Okey, Well then. Goodluck LEADER..."

Khun then hang up. He continue to walk when a guy suddenly attack him with a spear and so he blocked it using his dagger. "Oh, Got one who is binded by the rules~" He said and smirked.

"Shut up! I just need to kill you to pass this test!" The guy shouted.

"Hm~ If i were you, I would create my own rules and win this game with it. He said as he strike the guy with his second dagger.

"You have two daggers..." The guy said as he fell in the ground and died.

"Who said i only have one?"

So bothersome... is there anyone here whose worth it? Khun said as he look at the sky " I wonder what does that irregular look like?" as he was still staring at the sky a guy suddenly entered his vision.

The guy was out of breath. He seems to be running out of something Khun look at guy as if he was judging him If the guy will attack him or not. The guy then look back at him still catching his breath when his eyes suddenly widened.

Khun notice the guys eyes widened and in seconds noticed that there is someone at his back. He look back immediately to try to block the attack but it was a little to late to do so.

Dammit i can't block it. When Khun was about to be hit by the guy with the needle. The guy that was out of breath pushed him aside and they both fell in the ground. Now Khun is laying down in the ground with the guy on top of him.

"You-" Before Khun even finished his word the guy with the needle was about to attack again so he push the guy on top of him, block the attcker's needle and push him with his left hand making the attacker lose his balance and counter him.

He sigh. "That was close." He then look back at the guy who saved him that was in the ground and reach out his hand to him. "Are you okey?" He asked.

"Yeah." said the guy as he grabbed Khun's hand and stand.

He looks so weak... Khun thought to himself. "Anyway thank you for helping me." but he doesn't seem to be a bad guy.

"It's nothing. You are in need so..."

".........." He's too kind for his own good. "By the way, Im Khun. Khun Aguero Agnes. What's your name?"

"Im... Bam. 25th Bam."

"25th Bam? that was some kind of weird name you've got."

"Really? It said that it was the day of my birth."

"Oh..." Well it's not like i care for other's name meaning. "Well, im going now. Hope to see you at the next phase of test. Goodluck."

"Yeah, Goodluck too Khun-san" Bam said with a smile on his face.

Khun wave his hand to Bam when he suddenly saw a familiar necklace that he is wearing.

Isn't that, A necklace of the family leaders? Why does he have that? he sigh. "Now, I've become curious."

"Bam!" He called. "Want to team up?" Khun suggested.

"Eh, but im not that strong so i might just trouble you..." Bam said.

"No. It's okey." Khun said with a smile and mumbled. "You seem interesting anyway~"

"Eh? Did you say something Khun-san?" Bam asked as he didn't heard clearly what Khun has just said.

"No. So how about it?"

"Well if it's okey with you..."

The both of them then decided to hide until the test finishes.

"By the way Bam. That necklace... are you a member of the great families?"

"Eh? No. Someone just give it to me." Bam said as he hold the necklce.

someone...? from one of the leaders? Is he really just a mere regular? having that necklace with him...

"Bam, why did you climb the tower?" Khun asked again.

"I need... to do something here..." Bam said.

hmmm... "I see..."

"How about you Khun-san?" Bam asked out of curiosity.

Khun look at him and said. "To find someone..."

"I see, is this someone important?"

"Pfft." Khun suddenly laugh. As he find it laughable that Bam thought that he is looking for someone important even though he is not that kind of person. A person who harbour special feelings like that.

"Eh? did i say something weird?"

"No. It's not like that. Well, It would be nice if i really have someone important to look for, but unfortunately there is none." Khun said. Bam look and listened to it with all seriousness. Khun can't help but smile.

"I see, Then i hope you find what your looking for." Bam said with a smile.

"Yeah, I hope too."

"The test! Is now OVEEEER! anyone who will be seen still fighting will be disqualified!" The announcer said. " Now, let's begin the second phase of the test!"

"Test after test.. there's no time to rest eh..." said Khun as he look at his pocket and text his teammates. This is gonna be tiring... he said to himself.

"The test is to form a group of three within 5 minutes! You must be touching each other to consider yourselves as a group! The time.... starts NOW!"

"Within five minutes? that was a short time."

When Bam and Khun was looking for a comrade. A sudden guy showed up who looks like an alligator said. "Hello, turtles! I came to hunt you!" The alligator then attack the both of them and they dodge.

"Huh?" What the heck is with this alligator? we don't have time to fight! tch! if it comes to this... "Bam run towards the alligator!"

Bam nodded and started to run towards the alligator. Khun did the same and when the time was about to run out they grab the alligator's hand and formed the group.

"You Turtles!!!"

And so the test ended.

Hooo~ 2nd phase ended. I hope Lyra(OC) and the rest passed... khun said to himself. Mr. Irregular i wonder where you are?


I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now