Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]

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Severus Snape looks at the first years who lined up. He can see his godson among the students but when he looks at the boy beside his godson he needs to take a double look because the boy was a replica of Lily except his Crimson Hair.

The boy was indeed the Potter Brat but Black?! The boy also walks like a pureblood and the Hall was silent for 5 minute even Prof. McGonagal looks at Dumbledore who has worry in his face, the boy had his eyes closed, He converses with the Hat.

"SLYTHERIN" The hat shout

It was all of his might to not wide eye in jaw drop by the result but unfortunately Dumbledore has an disbelieve in his eyes even the people has a disbelieve but more shocking more the Hat talking to him

"Come visit me sometime..." It say to him

The Boy bow to him politely with soft smile that remind him of Lily and not James Potter and all of the resentfulness disappeared from his mind seeing that smile

"I will..." He say softly walk proudly to the Slytherin table

Severus raised one of his eyebrow looking at his Godson and Potter Brat interact, obviously they're close friend with Draco has a smug expression and the Potter Brat has a fond and amused expression


After the Feast, the prefects bring the 1st year to the Sytherins house. Hadrian stands beside Draco and the password is 'Basilisk'. The Door opens showing a Green and silver color with an underwater view from the window.

"Everything is in Order, sir..." One of the Prefect spoke

"Welcome to Slytherin..." Prof. Snape says and it is like before his low, silky voice is echoed in the room making the students stay silent. It made Hadrian know that he indeed is needed to come back to save the wizarding World.

"I am Professor Severus Snape, Your Head of House and the Potion Master of this School. As a new member of this House there are few rules that you must know and learn to abide by. Outside these walls you will experience prejudice and Discrimination because of your House Selection: The Slytherin House is not seen in a Positive Light. Because of this, all Snakes, within our main Territory, will appear as a United Front. Even if you truly despise a fellow housemate, outside these walls you will allow none of this to show. If you see a fellow Housemate in need of aid, you will help them. This rule is non-negotiable" He look each of them to make sure they understand

"We are Slytherin, and this is the house of Cunning Champions. Should you, perchance, deviate from the written rule: Do. Not. Get. Caught. If you think you might be caught, Have an alibi at your disposal. And if you are Caught, make sure that it's by me" Prof Snape gave them a look that might get them a slow painful death and it almost made him grin.

A True Slytherin!

"The Prejudice you will face, unfortunately, also extends to members of this faculty. They will believe the word of another house over you in a heartbeat. So, if you have any problems, any issues or any concerns, you are free to come and speak to me at any time. My office can be accessed through the Painting of the Stirring Cauldron, and if you are unsure, a Prefect or an Older student will show you the way"

"All the First and Second years are to travel in groups, unless absolutely necessary and your curfew is at 8PM during the week and 9PM on weekends and holidays. I expect the Prefects to Organize and structure study sessions where necessary and see to it that our youngest members are settling and adjusting accordingly. Any Concerns you may have can, of course, be brought to me. Marcus Flint is the Current Captain of Quidditch Captain, any questions of the sport are to be directed to him" Prof. Snape halted regarding them all to understand the meaning of the sword

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