Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"

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The Sun was basking through the window of the Black Manor House. It has already been 4 years since Hadrian went back to the Past and he is content to stay in this Timeline. Hadrian opens his eyes slowly shiver when the chill of the winter in their room.

He exhales snuggle more into the person who holds him with a strong arm that might protect him from the Cruelty of the World. The Public has already begun to feel relieved that the Dark Lord will not come back with Hadrian who killed the 7 Horcrux already and yet Dumbledore hasn't made a move. He wonders when he makes a move while he has a Crime behind his back.

It was foolish of him to think that he can get away from his deed and foolishness. Lately, He got a dream that his Ancestor called him to the Dragon Palace and it's already a few days after the Malfoy Family went on Vacation to have a Family Bonding.

Hadrian blink saw that his Beloved already wake up brushed his long raven silky hair make him melt slightly looking at those Crimson eye

"What are you thinking?" Marvollo ask caressed his cheek

"Today, I need to go to the Dragon Palace... They are calling me..." Hadrian say to him make him hummed

"Do you want me to join you?" He asked

"Yes, please..." Hadrian snuggle more into the warm

For about a few minutes snuggling in the bed finally, Hadrian and Marvollo wake up from the bed. He went to the bedroom with Marvollo still half-asleep, He brushed his teeth and washed his face then he went to the Dressing Room while Marvollo went to the Bathroom.

He wears a black and crimson robe since he rarely uses Informal Clothes to meet the Ancestor. Hadrian braided his hair into a braid crown and wore Marvolo Dragon Necklace on his neck.

He looks back when saw Marvollo enter the Dressing Room make him smile, He saw him wear an Icy Blue and Silver Robe

"Let's go to have breakfast then we can go to the Dragon Palace..." Marvolo say to him

"Yeah..." Hadrian nodd

They go to the Dining Room, Hadrian tells the Adult that they're gonna go to the Dragon Palace, They nodd in letting them go. He was 12 years old and 2 days later Marvolo will become 17 years old and he will reveal the Status of his Heritance to the World.

"Have Fun..." Sirius say to them

They use Portkey to the Dragon Palace, They stumble for a bit but after regaining their composure as they can smell an Ocean Smell, an Iron from the Volcanic near it. They looked up and saw the Majestic Palace that stood gloriously on the top of the Hill with a road that was like a Snake to the Palace.

"Let's go..." Marvolo walk toward the palace follow by his soulmate

They go to the front door of the Palace, it was carefully carved in that Stone Wall where it has a Family Crest of the Pendragon Family. Such an Elegant and yet deadly Crest

A shield with a Dragon in it along with a Crimson Gem got embraced by the 2 Dragons at each side of the Shield and a Lance crossing behind the Shield.

	A shield with a Dragon in it along with a Crimson Gem got embraced by the 2 Dragons at each side of the Shield and a Lance crossing behind the Shield

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