Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"

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After the encounter with Ginny, They go to the DADA class and it was Lockhart Class. Susan and Hannah were in fangirl mode make the boys disgusted, all snake know about the Fraud in his book and the Fiction story but the way he writes it look like he was the one who defeats the Villain.

"This is a Fraud, I tell you..." Hadrian muttered

"Yeah..." Draco nodded

"I wonder how they didn't notice their Fraudness.." Blaise Comment make them snickered

"All of them are idiots..." Daphne comment rolling her eyes

Speaking of the Devil, Gilderoy Lockhart comes out from the door and begins to introduce himself, boosting his Fame make the Snake and Eagle disgusted. Hadrian tried hard not to burn those photographs of him who was his photo.

"Now, I thought we start today with a little quiz..." Gilderoy Lockhart say to them with pile of paper in his arm

He gives the paper to them and he sure that Draco who sit I next to him glaring at the paper with Hadrian who sighs

"All about him..." Draco says in disgust, seeing his cousin write in their paper make him blink, "You answer it?"

"Of course not..." Hadrian show his blank paper

He snorted when he answered all of the questions with 'Didn't know', 'Didn't have connection with DADA', 'Didn't Care'. Draco also wrote the same as him and for 30 minute they didn't answer anything, the more Hadriana write it the more he feel an Frustrated and Anger in his vein make the Dragon inside of him want to growled in anger

Finally, after 30 minute the paper got sent back to Lockhart. He read the paper one by one until he found Hadriana paper who answer all of that with 'Didn't know', 'Didn't care', 'Has no connection with DADA'

"Mr. Potter-Black, Why did you answer all of the questions with Didn't know, Didn't care and Has no connection with DADA?" Lockhart ask look at Hadrian

"Isn't it?" Hadrian stood up tilting his head,"I didn't know about your favorite colour, your goal and I didn't intend to learn it. We are here to learn about Defense Against Dark Art not to learn about you,sir... Besides, I answer honestly that I didn't know anything about you and I didn't care about Gilderoy Lockhart's personal favorite or ambition, and there is no connection indeed with DADA, sir..."

Golderoy Lockhart look like he just ate a sour lemon, He open and close his mouth like a gold face with Hadrian who has a sweet smile in his face look at the cage

"I'm sure that you have an Lesson to attend, sir... Shall we begin DADA lessons and stop this introduction already because it can not help us in battle..." Hadrian ask bluntly with sweet smile in his face

The Student realized that Hadrian didn't call him as 'Professor', He call him as 'Sir' and it make the Slytherin proud of their Housemate who checkmate Gilderoy Lockhart but this is also make them wary of him by his Slyness and Cunningness to twist his word

Gilderoy Lockhart cleared his throat and pulled out the fabric that covered the Cage showing a Purple Cornish Pixie and the nerve he opened the Cage made the Pixie come out from the Cage make the student yell and scrambled around the class. Hadrian wave his hand to not let the Pixie make mischief to him, He saw Neville got lifted into the Ceiling make him raised his eyebrow

Lockhart try to stop the Pixie but his wand got taken out from his hand from the Pixie and with a Crash the Bone who was chained into the Ceiling crashing into the Ground make Hadrian winched and Lockhart who realized he can't do anything run away to the Door make Hadrian growled with his emerald eye glowing locked eye with Gilderoy Lockhart who shivering get out from the door

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