Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]

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Hadrian knocked on the door and saw the students glance at the noise, he bowed to Professor McGonagall and showed her the note from Professor Snape. She nodded to show that she understood.

"Please, Mr. Potter-Black..." She gestured with one of her hands for him to take a seat.

Hadrian walked over to Draco and sat beside him. Draco turned towards Hadrian and raised one brow to ask him what had happened wordlessly. "I delivered some letters addressed to Professor Snape by my parents. Anyway, what are we learning?"

"It's about transfiguring a matchstick into a needle." He hummed with a nod at the answer.

"You took quite a long time," Neville whispered beside him.

"I think I made Professor Snape speechless." Hadrian chuckled sheepishly.

"Why?" Neville asked in curiosity.

"Ill tell you later." Hadrian said pointing discreetly at Prof. McGonagall. Understanding they both dropped the subject.

Hadrian took out his wand from the wand holster, he closed his eyes and pointed the tip of his wand at the matchstick. Suddenly, the matchstick turned into a shiny metal needle which made Draco and Neville gasp when they looked at Hadrian then at the needle and then again at Hadrian.

"How?" Draco gaped.

"You need to imagine in your head that the matchstick is turning into a needle, once dome then channels your magic into the wand and send it at the matchstick, try it this way," Hadrian answered.

Both Draco and Neville closed their eyes pointed their wand at the matchstick imagining it turning into a metal needle, Hadrian grinned when the matchstick turned into a needle making Draco grin wide-eyed while Neville gasped.

"Excellent performance. Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter-Black and Mr. Longbottom. 10 points to Slytherin and 5 points to Gryffindor." Prof. McGonagall said when she reached their table.

Hermione Granger glared at them and it made him smirk inwardly, there was still time left. Hadrian began to plan, he needed to send a letter to Madam Bones about Sirius being innocent and to Lord Ragnarok to help him heal Sirius after he is freed since Merlin knows that goblin has the best healers but first he needed to take the rat from Weasley or perhaps send Aurors towards Weasley.

"Hadrian!" Draco called, startling him out of his train of thought.

"Yes, Dragon?" Hadrian asked. Draco flushed at the nickname Hadrian gave him.

"You dozed off, the class ends soon," Draco informed him.

Hadrian hummed and blinked tilted his head, "Mn. I was making a plan on how to release my godfather Sirius Black since he's still an escaped convict. I have to send a letter about it to Madam Bones and Aurors on Peter Pettigrew who's still hiding in a certain family. I want it to happen as soon as possible but I am busy..." He trailed off.

"What about Yule?" Draco asked

Hadrian hummed, "Yeah... It is a holiday and a perfect time for the reveal as they won't accept it and, oh, what a wonderfully perfect Yule present it would make for my godfather."

"You're scary..." Neville shivered, gazing at Hadrian.

"You hurt me, my friend.." Hadrian gasped dramatically and swiped his hair flamboyantly, "I'm not scary, I'm charming." He sniffed snootily.

"Right..." Neville and Draco drawled and shared a look at their friend's antiques

"You hurt me, My friend.." Hadrian gasps dramatically and swipes his hair flamboyantly, "I'm Charming..."

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