Chapter 14:"Twin..."

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A Sun was entering a bedroom from the Window, the Garden outside an Old Manor was covered in snow, The River and Pond frozen. It was a winterland with a Snow covering every inch of the England land.

In the dim bedroom lacked light except the sunlight who went through from the window to the Queen Size bed in the middle and a crackling sound of the firewood made the room was warmed there 2 lump in the bed wriggling.

Hadrian opened his eyes slowly and regained his soul back from the Dazed state, He felt a strong chest behind his back and a strong arm in his waist make him turn around and indeed saw his Soulmate, Marvollo Lannister Gaunt sleep peacefully.

It's already a few days since he change his name and Tom Marvollo Riddle is dead, Hadrian can imagine how sour Dumbledore look and how he can insisted that Dark Lord gonna return when the Dark Lord is dead in the Public Eye but it's not enough, He is Manipulative and has many pawn under his hand.

Hadrian and Marvollo got a letter from Gringotts that Dumbledore was asking about Tom Marvolo Riddle who died and Lord Ragnarok flawlessly Lie that He indeed died with the Proof of his Vault is off, Dumbledore was fuming by Ragnarok told them in the letter

A cold hand touch his cheek make him blink saw an blue eye that changed into Crimson color make him sigh leaned into him

#Good Morning... What are thoughts right after wake up?# Marvollo ask

#Nothing.. Just thinking about that Old Man face when he heard Tom Marvollo Riddle is dead...# Hadrian giggled

Marvollo snickered inhaled his sweet cinnamon scent,#It's still early to think about that old man, my Dear...#

Hadrian giggled rub his eyes and get out from the bed,#It's New Year.. There is a Surprise from the Daily Prophet, Come on...#

Marvollo exhaled and sat up from the bed while Hadrian washed his face, He looked outside the Window and saw the Sun rising with a snow covered the Garden in pure white. They're often talk with Parseltongue or with Old Magic Language that somehow it come from Hadrian Royalty Blood, when they're ask about the Language from the Royalthy Elder in the Dracon Palace, they informed them about the Magic Language, it seem it was a Sacred Language that only be used for the people who has a Wizarding Royalty blood after all the Royalthy Blood is come from the Lady Magic Herself but Marvolo is a true soulmate therefore they shared their Ability

The next day after he changed his appearance and sorted out everything, Marvollo and Hadrian busy went to all of the Castle and Palace and talked to the Portrait about their Status and History. They also talk to the 4 Founders at their Castle. They even found out that Wizard Royalty Twelve Sacred Family is at the Top Status in the Wizarding World then after that is a Twenty-Eight Sacred Family but the 12 Royalty Family is Lost except-

-. Pendragon Britain and Northern Island Royalty Family.

, Japan Imperial Family.

, France and Spain Royalty Family

-. Tang, China Royal Family

-. Sigvard, German Royal Family

3 of the Others Royalty Family who existed until now they say that 12 Sacred Royal Family is close as Family and because of this Hadrian and Marvollo send a letter to the other Royal Family to reconnected, Because of this 3 days of a full pack of the meeting with the Royal Family and yet none of them didn't published it to the Public or Ministry because they know that Marvollo and Hadrian still young so they respected their decision but the 2 Royalty Family supported them.

#What makes you think so hard, Tom?# Hadrian voice break Marvollo though

Marvollo smiled at him, He only let Hadriana call him Tom but for other people he might curse them. He circled his arm to his slim waist and let his head fall into his stomach. It's weird and freaks him out when in the past he hated Skinship but the moment he got cleaned from all of the block, He craved it and it was like he was reborn again.

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