Chapter 42: END GAME

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30 July, the day of his Birthday. Marvolo brings him into Paris, He wants to have a day with him without media or interruption therefore he brings him into Paris. Hadrian brought clothes and accessories from the Fashion City of Paris, No matter whether he brought the things he liked.

He even visited Fleur after giving her a Letter. She was delighted to have Hadrian and his Mate visit her country. Fleur shows the Shop and Food that Hadrian loved, make Marvolo give an amused smile in resignation when saw a Happy face of his Mate.

"So, How is it?" She asked in French

"Hmm?" He asked in confused

Fleur rolled her eyes, "You are 16th Years old, Did you have thought to have an Interaction with His Majesty?"

Hadrian gives a blush and has no choice but to tell her about his Inheritance make Fleur sequel give him a hug and kiss at each of his cheeks with Marvolo who looks away in flustered.

They decided to visit Chevalier Royal Family, making them delighted to have the Royal Family of Sigvard and Pendragon visit them.

"How are you feeling?" Marvolo asked after they go back to their Hotel

"Tired but fun..." Hadrian give a grin to him

Marvolo huffed a laugh and decided to sleep since they're gonna go back to England Soil again and to do their duty.


A Bright Sun entered the Bedroom Chamber, making Hadrian give a whine. He snuggled deeper into his Comfy Blanket to let his sense back to him, He blinked numerous times until he had no choice but to peek out from his Blanket exhaled.

Hadrian looks at the Massive Window who has its curtain opened and wandless unlocked the Window, He can see the Lush Garden from the Garden. The Summer where the Plants are the most beautiful even though He likes Spring where the Animals wake up from their Slumbering. He can see the Birds Chirping and a Cricket Voice, The sun is Blazing with the Warm because of the Summer Rain, He can smell the Soil Smell from the Garden.

He blinked when something, no, someone moved beside him to make Hadrian look side saw his Mate Marvolo who was on verge of waking up. He touch his silky brown hair make Marvolo hummed in comfy

He leaned to him, "You need to wake up, it's already morning..."

Marvolo grunted snuggle more into his Pillow with his hand who grab Hadrian Sleeping Robe make him yelped got locked in Marvolo arm and his head who was in his Soldier

"I'm serious... You got called into Wizengamot. Do your Duty, My dear..." Hadrian said to him

"You too also got called into Wizengamot.." Marvolo muttered in his Pillow

Hadrian gave a chuckle to his Mate who was in Tired. Well, He has a call with the German Ministry about their Connection and Late at night he just comes back home. Hadrian sighs at Marvolo who has a peaceful look that makes him wonder about his Past Life, How can Dumbledore turn this Handsome young man into that Monster Snake? This person just lost in his path, He can not imagine this person become that Monster

He exhaled out from the Bed only yelped, opened his eyes and saw Marvolo silver eyes with his hand beside his head straddling his waist. Hadrian let his hand circling his neck and his head into his Neck

"It's rare for you to attack me..." Hadrian muttered in is neck

Marvolo let his hand in his back and his other hand supported their body, He nipped his neck hummed

"You can not doubt that I try to devour you sometimes..." Marvolo muttered give a lick to his neck

Hadrian gives a gasp when Marvolo gently swipes his clothes to make his Soulder exposed and gives a bite. He whimpered by his Cold hand trailing his spine, making him shiver, Hadrian gave an exhale from his mouth and let Marvolo kiss him deeply and passionately, making him moan to his mouth.

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