Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"

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A month has passed with July is coming, It was a week before Neville birthday and he decided wanna go to the Diagon Alley to buy his birthday present, As expected a few days after the Prophet got released the Dark Family got asked by the Media about the Dark Eater mark and thankfully of the Lucius who is a lifesaver is told the Family of the Follower of the Dark Lord that Death Eater indeed got disbanded.

This makes the followers of the Death Eater disappointed and sad but Marvollo calls them to meet up in Malfoy Manor with Draco and is sent to the Black Manor to play with Hadriana. As expected of Draco, he was angry at him to do that kind of Suicidal duty but Hadriana assured him that he is still alive.

Suspiciously Media didn't go to the Black Manor about him and he can imagine it because Rita who doing her job perfectly, He also earned a letter from Dumbledore that make him angry

Dear boy...

I'm hoping that you have a fun Holiday, I hope that you didn't spout nonsense. I was disappointed when I saw the Daily Prophet early in the morning. I know you want to assure them but this way you only give a lie to them...

My boy, you know very well that Voldemort is coming back...

How heartbreaking of those who read the Daily Prophet that the Dark Lord is gonna come back soon..

Also, please reconsidered coming back to your Family in MUggle or perhaps you can stay in the other Wizard family, I have one in mind


Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

a Grand Sorcerer decorated with the Order of Merlin, First Class

Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards

Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.

It made Hadrian disgusted by the Title he used. Obviously, he tried to scare him using his title. He snorted. How Foolish!

"Pup, are you ready?" Sirius ask break is though

Hadrian closed his book, "yeah... A second.."

They decide to go into Diagon Alley to buy Neville Birthday, Hadrian wears his Black Family Cloak the same as Sirius. Remus, Crouch Jr and Marvollo were busy taking care of the Political Problem.

Sirius grabbed Hadrian shoulder and apparated away to the Diagon Alley, He sigh saw the people swarming around the Alley since it was a holiday bunch of the people shopping in there.

"Where do you want to go?" Sirius ask

Hadrian hummed, "I don't know, Neville loves Herbology. Perhaps I'm gonna buy him a Book of Plant and perhaps I can ask the Kitaoji Family to send me a Rare Plant from Japan since that Country is full of Plant or a Herbology Book from there..."

Sirius hummed, "Nice choice.."

Hadrian walked around with a cloak covering his head since he didn't want to let anyone notice them, They also had a Notice-Me-not spell in their body. They walk around until he halted in front of the store saw a Glass Ball make him go in there

"Oh, Are you interested in the CommunicationBall?" The seller ask

"How does it work?" Hadrian ask

"It is the same as a Muggle Telephone only using Magic with the thought of the person if they want to have a talk, The user no need to speak out loud. It connected to our mind..." The Seller informed him

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