Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."

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Hadrian immediately get out from the Office ignoring his palm that was bleeding because he clenched tightly to ignored his trembling hand

'Crown Prince.. Are you okay?' Lady Hogwart ask him

Hadrian stumbled panthing leaned into the wall,'I supposed to hate him. I was supposed to destroy his word. And yet He is the same as I and Tom. He loses his Sanity because his Soulmate is lost...'

'What do you want, Crown Prince? Dumbledore is destroying the Wizarding World...' Lady Hogwart remembering him

'I know! I know!' Hadrian clenched his hand, made the blood dripping from his hand, He didn't notice someone come to him,'I know! I want to destroy him! I want to destroy his world! And yet I want to make peace to him! He's already done enough! He already suffered enough! He is supposed to retire!'

"Hadrian!" Sirius' voice makes his connection to Lady Hogwart disappear,"Breath... Calm down..."

"S-Siri..." Hadrian speak panthing make him frowned

Why do I struggle to breath?

A sudden realized make him wide eye in panic, He is Hyperventilate collapse near the Headmaster office leaned at the Wall, Hadrian clenched Sirius Clothes ignoring the blood in his palm, He listen to Sirius heartbeat to calm down

"That's it... Calm down.. Listen to my heartbeat, Inhale, Exhale..." Sirius say calmly

"What happened?" Lucius ask in calm voice but there slight worry int here

"I..." Hadrian clench more tightly in Sirius clothes with unshed tears,"I supposed to hate him! I supposed to hate him! He the one who leave me in the Abusive Muggleborn! Make me have a Trauma! He tried to manipulate me and tried to betray me in the end! I supposed to hate Him! But, He is the same as I... I can see myself in him! Why is Fate Cruel?!"

"I don't know what to do..." Hadrian whispered with tears falling from his eyes,"he is suffering enough... He needs to let go but he can't.. I also can't let go of Marvollo... I don't know what to do... Why is Fate Cruel?"

"Merlin Emrys soulmate is Dark Lady who tries to kill him, Morgana Le Fay and in the end he kills her and he also joins her! Albus Dumbledore's soulmate is Gellert Grindelwald, the Feared Dark Lord in History. My soulmate is Tom Riddle who is now as Marvollo Lanister Gaunt, the Most Feared Dark Lord after Gellert Grindelwald.." Hadrian say to them

"I don't know what to do... I lost..." He admitted in whisper

The Adult who heard it only can think one curse,'Damn...'

This makes them understand why Hadrian hestitance, he sees himself in Dumbledore if He didn't gather the Horcrux. Lucius honestly didn't expect something like this to happen when he got called from Sirius that Hadrian almost has a Love Potion as a GIft for the Valentine Day.

They can not do anything because Soulmate is rare and they didn't know much about it, it was a blessing from Lady Magic herself after all. The Soulmate not supposed to parted away from each other or not they will lose their sanity and this make them clearly that Dumbledore lose his Sanity

"Lady Magic..." Hadrian leaned away from Sirius make them blink

A Sudden bright in the dimm corridor make them shielded their eyes, They jaw Drop when saw an Spiritual Figure of a beautiful female figure, She has no colour but clearly she is clear, She has a kind eyes looking at Hadriana

"Mother, Lady Magic..." Hadrian greet her wipe his tear

'Lady Magic?' The Adult wide eye in shock

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