Chapter 9:"Begin of War"

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Hadrian woke up by the coldness, He looked outside the lake and saw it was frozen, making him blink and look at the date. Indeed it was near Yule only a week before Yule. Hadrian scrub his face and go to the Bathroom to wake himself up and wear his Uniform then he go to his bedroom take out the 2 Horcrux and Philosopher's Stone

'Death...' He call

'You call Master...' Death respond in his mind

'Can you bring Riddle back?' Hadrian ask

'That is your decision to decide Master... I can not help you to find what kind of the Ritual but I can help you to regain his sanity back...' Death informed him, 'There still has time, Master... Besides, don't you want to have an Present for everyone?' Death ask in amused

Hadrian has a predator smirk,'Of course I am...'

'Those 3 souls are enough for him to regain his sanity back, Master... BUt you need to search for what kind Ritual you gonna performed and it is yours to search and found, master' Death informed him

'Thank you...' Hadrian say to him

Death disappear from his Conscious leaving Hadrian alone, He sit in the bed look outside the frozen water begin to think the plan

1.Ally with Rita Skeeter

2.Told her about Dumbledore leave me alone in the Abusive Household

3.Told her why Sirius has no Trial while he has a high seat?

4.Told her about Dumbledore kill his Sister

5.Told her about Dumbledore Thief from his Vault (Lord Ragnarok testament)

6.Told her about Dumbledore Block his Core Magic

For now he needs to have a trial for his Guardian since Hadrian didn't have an official Guardian and he needs to make sure that Sirius is clean from the Block and Compulsion from Dumbledore.

Hadrian nod and got out of his Meditate state but before that he needed to have a Lawyer. If he remembers Potter Lawyer is Edgar Dodge Jr. He also remembers every weekend Sirius always writes him a letter to him saying that he indeed has a Blocked and Compulsion charm to hate Dark Magic and everything that connects to Dark makes him leave his Family behind.

Sirius also told him that the Goblin Healer already healed his mind clearly and he can not wait to go into Public in the Yule Trial of Guardianship of him. This make Rita Skeeter has a field trip of course and because of this he can not wait for the Yule Ball

Hadrian snap back when Draco Curtain open make him look at him who shivering cold

"It's snowing outside..." Hadrian point at Frozen window

Draco squinted his eyes and got out front he went to the Bathroom to clean himself while he continued to look for the Ritual Book and really for almost a year he found nothing. Hadrian close his book and it disappear to his trunk when Draco already wake up

"It's almost Yule..." Draco comment make him nodd

"I decided to go back to Black Manor, Sirius has a Dog in the Manor.." Hadrian comment

"Dog?" Draco ask

"Yes.. Black Dog..." Hadrian point 'Black' in clear

Draco lit up,"Oh... Yeah... Well, congratulations..."

"Not yet..." Hadrian looked away from him, "It's just the beginning of the War..."

"War?" Draco ask in confused

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