Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"

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Hadrian saw the Auror begin to enter the Hogwart a week before the declaration of the Champion name, He saw Ministry Kingsley in there make him talk to him for a minute and make an Acquaintance with other Auror, It's quite pleasant with some of them who is quite wary of him because of the 'Horcrux' Incident.

This time there no fake 'Alastor Moody' / 'Mad Eye' that gonna put him in the Tournament and kill Cedri and revived the Dark Lord, even though the Dark Lord now in the same room as him.


A week after the Student put their name in the Goblet it's time to declared the Champion, Hadriana and Marvolo stand at behind watched the student excitedly waiting with Dumbledore who enter the room

"Now! Let's see who the 3 Champions are!" Dumbledore put his hand in the Goblet

The Blue fire turn into a Crimson Fire spit out a paper make Dumbledore take it and open it showing a grimaced face in flash make Hadrian smirked

"The Durmstrang Champion is Marvolo Lanister Gaunt!" Dumbledore declared

The Durmstrang students clap their hands and cheer their hand while Marvolo walks to Dumbledore who stiffen when they shake hand, He stands at the side.

"Now, the second Champion!" Dumbledore took the spit of paper,"The Champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

The Student from Beauxbatons Academy clap their hand and cheers for their Champion with Fleur walk elegantly to Dumbledore who shake his hand

"Now! The last Champion!" Dumbledore takes the paper, "The Champion of Hogwart is Cedric Diggory!"

The Hogwart Champion cheers with Cho who kisses Cedric with Hadrian who claps his hand. Dumbledore shakes his hand and Cedric also stands beside the other 2 Champion but before that, suddenly the Flame from the Goblet spitting out a paper make the student silent.

Dumbledore opens the paper and break the stifling silence, "Hadrian Potter-Black."

Hadrian eyes twitch, Draco gasped in shock look at him who has a Cold Eyes. Dumbledore shouting his name make Hadrian stand up from the seat without breaking contact from Dumbledore, He can see slight of Glee from the Old Meddling Man in front of him, An anger come through him. 

Karkaroff who stand beside Marvolo stiffen away from the Ex-Dark Lord when he sense a sudden Malicious Dark Magic from Marvolo, He took risk to look at the Teen beside him only regret instantly when he see a flash of a familiar Lord Voldemort Crimson Eyes and a Dark Magic lurking in those Icy Blue eyes that screaming of a painful death and torture.

'Fucking scary...' He though in shudder as he internally crying to have the most feared Ex-Dark Lord after Gellert Grindelwald in his house. Is it his Karma?


Hadrian walking beside Marvolo into the Headmaster Office along with other Champions and other Teacher. Dumbledore immediately walk to Hadrian try to grab his shoulder only got slip from Hadrian who glare at Dumbledore with sweet, sweet smile.

"Please to not touch me. I had a bad experience with touching, sir" Hadrian said leaned into Sirius who overprotectively hovering around him

"Har-Hadrian! Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire?!"

"Of course not,sir. I'm not even 17 years old, sir. How could I can enter the circle. Even the Twin Weasley who enter the Circle got thrown out from the circle,sir."

"Guess one of the older student to do it for us. You're absolutely sure."

"Yes, of course, sir! Besides, in this room is there no one who ask for my consent?!" Hadrian ask glaring at the occupant staff who protest only got their muth shout  by Hadrian Avada Kedavra eyes, "I'm underage and with being said in the Law, the Under-age student can ask their Guardian or parent tif the student want to join or not, sir. Of course I didn't want to join, I didn't want to die yet, obviously."

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