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Leaving the store with a few of the girls, we stood outside to wait for the rest of them. Turning back to look into the clothing store, I could see Hagakure paying. Once she was finished, she walked out with Mina by her side. Both girls holding bags of new clothing, Uraraka tagging along with a much smaller one for her dress.

"Did you end up getting what you wanted?" Hagakure asked her pink friend, glancing down at Mina's shopping. The dark-eyed girl huffed in annoyance, clutching tightly at the handles of her bags.

"No, they didn't have it in my size," she complained, lightening up when she spotted the rest of us up ahead. Uraraka rushed over to the group last, smiling excitedly as her eyes moved around the group.

"What should we do now?" she asked, continuing to look around happily. Now that the more energetic girls of the group had already done what they wanted, it was left up to the others. Tsu was the first to speak up, sending me a soft smile before she spoke.

"How about the pet shop? It's nearby," she suggested, looking to the others for their input.

"Uwah, I hope they have puppies and kittens," Uraraka cooed, exciting both Hagakure and Ashido with her mention of the tiny, fluffy creatures. Without another word, everyone began heading in the direction of the pet shop. It looked like the others were happy to go there too, wanting to see what kind of animals they would have.

Spotting it up ahead, Ashido was quick to rush inside as soon as her dark-eyes spotted the kittens. The others hurried after her, watching as a pair of black annd white kittens rolled around their enclosure, fighting each other.

I walked after them, pausing when I noticed Tsu walking further into the store. Wanting to see what she was up to, I decided to follow. She walked quickly past the kittens and puppies, then through the part with rabbits and guinea pigs. It made me wonder where she was heading, feeling even more curious as she entered the aquarium area. I followed her into the room full of fish tanks, noticing her on the far side of the room as I entered. She peeked over the glass of one of the tanks, staring happily at whatever was in there. As I drew closer, I was able to make out what she was paying so much attention to.

Being closer up, I could see that the water within the tank was a lot more limited than the others. There were a few scattered 'ponds' within it, there was also spaces of land above the water. It was only when I was standing right next to Tsu and the tank that I noticed the few frogs that occupied it, freely hopping around on the land and swimming in the water. I watched them along with her, feeling surprised when she spoke up.

"Do you like frogs?" she asked softly, keeping her large eyes focussed on the carefree amphibians. Seeing them move around so freely somehow relaxed me, making me enjoy my time observing the tiny, green creatures.

"Yeah, I think they're really cute," I admitted,  not thinking too much about my words. Lifting my head, I immediately noticed the strange look on Tsuyu's face. Her large eyes remained downcast, her cheeks tinted bright pink. Seeing her like that made me internally curse at myself, hating that I had said something embarrassing again. I did think that Tsu was cute but I didn't want her to know I thought that. I wasn't even referring to her when I said that the frogs were cute, but I wasn't wrong even if it was her I was talking about.

"A lot of people don't like frogs," she added, managing to hide her blush. It was obvious by her tone of voice that talking about it made her a little sad, the frog-girl sounding down even though the change in her attitude was only subtle.

"Does that bother you?" I asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't wasting her thoughts on something not worth her time. She was slow in replying, the green-haired girl shyly staring into the tank.

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