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"Welcome back, (L/n)-san," someone said, bowing their head to me. I returned the gesture, looking around at my surroundings. I was in front of a large building, it was extremely tall, one of the biggest in the city. It was mysterious looking too, each window tinted so nothing could been seen from the outside like other common office buildings.

The man who had greeted me gestured for me to follow him, his black polished shoes reflecting in the sun light. It was still the early afternoon and the sun was out, shining brightly as if nothing bad had happened. It reminded me of the morning when I had walked into the heroics building with Monoma, I had only then noticed how lovely a day it was when I had gotten up there. It also made me remember that I still had the comic he gave me, I planned on finishing it tonight and returning it to him in the morning but now I wasn't too sure.

As I walked, the cape Snipe had lent me swayed with every step, the material hanging close to the ground due to our height difference. Even though I knew it wouldn't help me, I felt safe in it.

The man who I was following led me into an elevator and up to a higher floor. He pushed one of the buttons in the middle, we were going somewhere around its center. We exited the elevator and I was then led down a long corridor, stopping when we reached one of the doors which lined it. There were five numbers on the door but my vision blurred as I stared at it. The man who I was following turned to me with a sickeningly sweet smile, a cloud of orange gas filling the corridor. His smile seemed to widen as he chuckled as my body started swaying, trying its hardest to stay conscious.

But I was unsuccessful.

Looking up, the guy looked down at me with eyes filled with interest.

"Don't worry, we'll get what we want and then you can go home."


"Oi, glowstone. Why are you napping now? If you sleep too long in the afternoon you'll mess up your sleep schedule." My eyes snapped open, my head turning as I looked around the room. I seemed to be back in the Shinso household, I was in my room and laying on my bed. It was confusing, the last thing I remembered was being taken to the Hero Association Headquarters. I frowned when I remembered that, hating that they had done this to me again. They didn't even trust me enough to interrogate me while I'm conscious, now they just go into my head and learn what they please.

I tried to think hard, wanting to know what had happened there but my mind was blank. They had done this every time, they leave no trace that they had been there.

Next I looked down at myself, seeing that I was still dressed in my hero costume as well as Snipe's cape. But the memory of Snipe giving me his cape triggered memories of everything else from going to the USJ, fighting the pig man, fighting Nomu, talking to Shigaraki, Midoriya carrying me, everyone seeing my scars...

All of that had happened today and it was a lot to comprehend.

"Hey, are you alright?" Hitoshi asked, trying to get my attention. My eyes finally moved to him, his moving down to where my scar was visible through the slit in cape. My gaze fell to my lap, my hand pulling at the cape to hide my exposed stomach. But the feeling of something touching my cheek made me look up. Hitoshi reached out to touch my face, his hand resting against my cheek, thumb caressing the soft skin.

"Please answer me." He seemed desperate for an answer but my throat was dry along with the fact that I didn't know what to say. I could say that I'm fine but that would be a lie. Instead, my body moved on its own, wrapping my arms around the purple-haired boys neck, hiding my face in his chest.

"O-Okay," I managed to get out, clinging to him tighter. His long arms wrapped around me as well, allowing me to bask in his warmth and enjoy the intimate moment. I liked being this close to him, I trust Hitoshi more that anyone else.

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