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The next day came before I was ready and I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed it. I woke up looking tired despite getting enough sleep. I didn't feel as good as I had on other days but overall, it was fine. The only thing that was really bothering me was the fact that my right eye would occasionally have small spasms. Hajime had told me it was probably due to stress and not to worry too much about it, but it got annoying after happening several times in the morning.

I walked by Hitoshi's side as we made our way to school, the purple-haired boy noticing my difference in attitude. Instead of having a neutral expression, I looked drained and tired. He nudged me gently, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him with exhausted-looking eyes, not having the energy to say anything.

"You feeling alright?" he asked, letting his eyes scan the distance between us as we walked. I knew he had noticed it but hadn't said anything, I was walking a lot closer to him than I usually would. Even when we were on the train together, I sat closer and was generally clingier.

After not receiving an answer, he got the idea that I wasn't feeling too good today. If anything, I'd prefer to stay home in bed for the day and take some time to go over everything that had happened the previous day in my mind. It was so much and the information was overwhelming, I found it hard not to zone out and think about it as we made our way to school. Hitoshi sighed after staring down at me, still not receiving an answer.

"I can see you're not doing well, so just text me if you want to go home and I'll let my parents know." I sighed and nodded my head, clearing my throat to speak.

"Thank you," I croaked out. It was a pathetic response but it was the best I could do now with my little energy. Hitoshi seemed satisfied with this and pet my head, sending me a small smile which I returned. It was hard not to smile back at him, especially since his smiles were rare. He chuckled seeing my smile and gave me another nudge, making me let out a quiet laugh as I nudged him back playfully. This continued all the way to school, the two of us stopping only when another student walking through the gate saw us. We found it pretty funny and laughed quietly about it as the other student hurried towards the building and away from us. It was weird feeling so energetic all of a sudden, my fatigue and low energy going away. Hitoshi's company seemed to improve my mood and overall feeling a lot, I could tell he knew that from us living together for two years.

Hitoshi bid me goodbye when we needed to part ways, petting my head before heading off towards the general studies area of the school. I waved as he left, eventually turning to go to class. I had a while before class would start because Hitoshi and I had caught an earlier train. He had mentioned something about needing to be at school earlier and instead of catching our usual train, I decided to leave at the same time as him.

I walked towards the heroics building, noticing that there weren't that many people around. Usually when I got to school there would be other students arriving as well, but I guess no one showed up this early for school. As I walked towards the heroics building, I halted as the sound of quickened footsteps filled my ears. Looking over my shoulder, I was greeted by the sight of Iida. He seemed to be running towards the building, stopping before he walked through the door.

"Good morning, (L/n). You're quite early this morning," he pointed out, looking down at me since I was noticeably shorter than him. I hummed in response, letting my eyes glance over in the direction Hitoshi had walked off in earlier.

"Yeah, I caught an earlier train," I informed him, watching as he took a moment to straighten up his glasses.

"Anyway, I should head to class now." Before he left, he sent me a bow and entered the heroics building. I noticed how he had stopped running, following the rule which instructed students not to run in the halls. I found it amusing, unable to hold back a chuckle as I turned away from the heroic building and began walking in the opposite direction. I felt like staying outdoors and getting some fresh air before class. I didn't feel obligated to be in class early like Iida, I didn't have to be there for over half an hour so there was no point in going now.

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