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After finishing our final game at the arcade, we both had empty wallets and nothing but free time. Having only each other's company, we walked around the mall, entering stores and joking around. But as it started to get later in the afternoon, we knew we would need to go our own separate ways. The two of us walked to the train station, needing to catch different trains.

Sitting at the station, I noticed Kaminari's eyes on me. I turned and met his gaze, tilting my head slightly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, snapping him out of his daze. He was quick to shake his head, his hand moving to the back of his neck again as he let out some nervous laughter.

"It's noting really, I just wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away," I answered, keeping my eyes ahead in hopes of taking the pressure off of him. He took a few deep breaths before he spoke.

"Is there are reason why you choose the Pikachu? I mean there were so many other machines but you choose that one, was there a reason?" he asked, his eyes trailing down to the pokemon that occupied my lap. I looked down, petting its head, paying no mind to the sound of an approaching train.

"It reminded me of you and since I had so much fun today, I wanted to keep something to remember it," I told him truthfully.

"Huh? I don't look anything like that," he laughed, his cheeks turning pink. Seeing that my train was arriving, I stood from my seat. Standing before the blonde, I reached forward and placed my hand on top of his head.

"From your yellow hair and the black lightning bold here..." I trailed off, running my fingers through the black-marked part of his hair.

"To your pink cheeks and electric quirk," I continued, giving his flushed cheek a gentle poke.

"You remind me of a Pikachu, but they're cute so that's not a bad thing," I assured him, not noticing how his face had grown even redder. At this time, my train had just arrived and people were nearly finished getting on. Picking up my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and began walking over to the train. Waving back at the boy who sat dumbfounded, watching you get on the train and then disappear into the mass of people inside.


It didn't take too long to get to my stop. But as soon as I arrived, I remembered what kind of place I was about to enter, one in which I was not welcome. The only one there that I could speak with would be Hajime, him being the only one who wasn't pissed off or scared of me. The walk from the train station to the house didn't take long either, making me have to face my fears a lot sooner than I wanted to.

Approaching the house, I was quiet in opening the front door and coming inside. I hoped that I could get off without coming in contact with anyone but that wasn't what happened. As soon as I entered, Hajime poked his head around the corner and smiled at me.

"Hey, dinner's ready," he called out, giving me a lazy smile. I gave a polite nod, thanking him quietly as I slipped my shoes off and followed him into the dining room. There, already seated at the table, was Hitoshi. He didn't look up as I entered, his eyes staring down at his food as he waited for everyone else to sit. Without a word, I sat in my usual seat beside him, placing my bag on the ground beside the table.

Hajime placed a plate in front of me before taking a seat opposite me at the table, lifting his head to look at Hitoshi and I. It was obvious by the look in Hajime's eyes that he knew something was up between us and I was thankful that he didn't bring it up. He was a reasonably closed off guy and wasn't the kind of person who liked to interfere in with other's problems. He gestured towards Hitoshi and me, urging us to start eating. Hajime was the first to start, beginning to eat without hesitation. I followed suit, waiting to distract myself from the awkward atmosphere. Hitoshi was slow to begin with, barely eating. But the mood in the room dropped as soon as a single question was asked.

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