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The four of us returned to our homeroom, luckily before Shota had made it there. We made our ways to our desks and sat down, acting as if nothing had happened. The others in the class seemed to have forgotten about it as well, mainly because Bakugou was causing a scene by going off at Tokoyami who stared back at the ash blonde with an uncaring gaze. This all simmered down once Shota entered the classroom, Bakugou shutting up and returning to his desk while Tokoyami directed his gaze towards the teacher.

Shota was wrapped in bandages from head to toe, the more noticeable ones wrapping around his face and showing only his eyes and a small amount of his nose. The Nomu had hurt him so severely yet here he was, looking as it didn't bother him at all. It was both a strength and a flaw, being able to hide his pain. It made me respect him more with how he continued to stand there unaffected, as if the attack had never even happened. Some of my classmates fussed over him, telling him that he shouldn't be here with his injuries but I knew that he would refuse them. He was a stubborn man and I knew that he refused bed rest to be here, it was a strange thing to do especially for a such a lazy man.

I kept my eyes focused on him, not paying attention to what he was saying but letting my eyes scan over his bandaged body. It made me remember seeing him being taken away by paramedics and the horrible shape that he was in. I was thankful that it wasn't so bad that he was unable to move, Shota loved being a hero and him being permanently immobilized would take a tole on him. But there one was thing that I heard him say clearly, my mind beginning to register his words.

"We will have the U.A sports festival coming up in two weeks, train hard and prepare for that," he told the class. It seemed that he had set it up as if to say something serious and had said something that any other school would have. My classmates were very outspoken about how normal it was but I didn't know too much about it at all. During middle school I was excused from activities like that so I never had to take part, the same going for elementary since I didn't go. My father hired a private tutor to take care of both my academic study and martial arts, which my father thought was necessary too.

After Shota's announcement of the sports festival, he followed it up with information about the event. The thing that stood out the most to me was the fact that it was broadcast to the world so anyone, anywhere could watch it. I knew this already, watching it only once while staying with Midnight during my Hero Care period with her. It was fascinating, seeing all of the gifted youth and their abilities. I guessed that its purpose was to reinforce the public's trust in heroes, showcasing what would come in the future of heroism. It was most likely an idea pushed by the Hero Association, using Japan's school best known for creating top heroes as an example for the world.

Shota finished his explanation of the event, quickly moving on to the lesson of that period. He was fast to move on and get straight into it, not wasting a second. Even though he was so banged up from his fight with Nomu and Shigaraki, he seemed like his old self and taught despite he could barely use his arms. But he made do, teaching like normal. As I opened my book to the page he had instructed, I couldn't help but let a small smile slip. It was acts like this that made me put my faith in heroes despite the cooperation that ran them behind the scenes.


The bell sounded after many periods, alerting everything that it was lunch time. Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw that a message was on screen from Hitoshi. He was telling me to meet him in the cafeteria but there was something I needed to do before I went there.

Getting up out of my desk, I picked up my bag and headed off in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. There was a room I needed to visit and something which I needed to return. I just hoped that they would allow me to come in.

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