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I walked with haste, wanting to make it away from the arena as soon as possible. Right now all I could think about was what had just happened between myself and Todoroki. Not only that but what was to come afterwards. Our disqualifications obviously meant we were going to be punished in some way for what had happened. I was sure if I was punished that it wouldn't be as severe as Todoroki's since I hadn't had the opportunity to hurt him, so that fact made me feel a little better. I knew it was a stupid thing to think but I couldn't help it, right now I despised the bi-haired boy. Knowing that he was somewhere nearby angered me. I had made sure I was at the front of the group which was made up of myself, Sero, Aoyama, Todoroki, Mineta and Jirou. I didn't want to look at anyone, having underlying worry that they would see through me.

Because not only was there anger, but also sadness. My mind always took me back to those days I had spent with Todoroki and his family, mainly because those had been my favourite memories. I was soon distracted by the sound of footsteps, Aoyama jogging to take the spot beside me.

"Are you alright?" he asked, glancing at my face as I stared straight ahead.

"I noticed how harsh Todoroki was being with you during the fight, it was quite terrifying even from the sidelines. But I couldn't help but notice that you looked angry whilst fighting him." I sighed, lowering my gaze to the concrete below.

"It's nothing really, we just don't get along," I excused, trying to play it off as nothing. I'd rather people see this as two people who naturally don't get along, rather than seeing that there was a past to our relationship. Because not only would that pry into my past and everything I wanted to keep to myself, it would do the same to Todoroki. And even though at this very moment I disliked him, I'd never wish for his private life to become common knowledge.

"Well, it looked like a lot more than not getting along. From my perspective I'd say it looked like you hated each other," he continued, really pushing how far I wanted to take this. Wanting to lighten the mood, I decided letting out some laughter would suffice. Chuckling, I glanced to my teammate with a reassuring smile.

"You're right, but this isn't something I wanna talk about now." Seeing my displeasure with the conversation topic, Aoyama was quick to drop it. He was still very curious as to what was going on between me and Todoroki but kept any further questions to himself. And he wasn't the only one. As I walked, I caught Jirou's eye. She gave me a concerned look, most likely worrying after witnessing my fight with Todoroki. She was on his team after all. Our eye contact barely lasted a second before I looked away, not wanting to continue this. The same thing was on everyone's mind and I didn't want to think about it any longer.

Eventually, our walk was over, both disqualified teams arriving at the arena gate. There I could see others from teams that had gotten out. Eyes were on us as soon as we came into close proximity, there now being even more people thinking about the one thing I wanted to forget completely. I was lucky enough that there were some who weren't interested at all, one of them being Yaoyorozu. The raven-haired girl approached me as soon as she saw me, her smile turning to one of worry after getting close enough.

"(L/n), you're bleeding," she said, her voice full of concern. It had happened a while ago so I had forgotten about it, but Todoroki's ice had cut me during our fight. But the wound had been the least of my worries, making me completely forget about it until now. I didn't get the chance to say anything, Yaoyorozu coming closer with a folded piece of cloth in hand. Standing right before me, she pressed it to my cheek. Being this close to her, I noticed just how pretty she was. It wasn't that I hadn't noticed it before but I hadn't ever been this close to her, now that she was right in front of me I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

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