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My eyes darted around the cafeteria as students started getting up from their tables, running towards the exit in a large, screaming hoard. It was extremely loud, but not enough to block out the voice which spoke long with the blaring siren.

"Perimeter breach, please evacuate the building."

Evacuating seemed like a weird thing to do when the enemy was outside, wouldn't it be safer to stay inside? I pushed away all of my questions and stood up, feeling annoyed that I didn't get to finish my lunch. Hitoshi and I made out way towards the exit, unfortunately, getting caught in the mass and being split up. The boy with the brainwashing quirk reached out to me, calling my name but was unsuccessful in getting to me. I activated my quirk, protecting myself from the pressure and pushing of the crowd of panicking students. They were all freaking out, using all of their energy to reach those doors. And all for what?

Thinking back to this morning, encountering the reporters, I knew it would only be one of them. A reporter who got in, desperately wanting an interview, not caring about the consequences of their actions. But then I felt a chill down my spine, something wasn't right about all this. It made me rethink, maybe someone else had snuck in, using the media panic outside to mask their entrance, like a villain...

All of these thoughts continued entering my mind as students fought their way to the door. I gave into the natural current of the students and let it take me in, my quirk protecting me from any harm. I had been pulled over to the right so I was a lot closer to the wall than I had been previously, only then did I noticed something which made me stop for a second.

There was a girl I recognized, shaking in fear as she was pushed around in the crowd. It annoyed me seeing this, my eyebrows furrowing as I tried my best to make my way towards her. It was the girl with long green hair and frog like features, Tsuyu Asui.

I continued to fight the current of students until I made it to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the way. She was shocked by the sudden contact, her eyes growing wide as she was pushed up against the wall. It was the best I could do to help, my body protecting her from the others around us. I magnetized my feet to the floor and hands to the wall on either side of her head, doing my best to work as her own personal barricade. And it worked, I was protecting her. She looked up at me with dark eyes, giving a crooked smile as she came down from her frightened state and into a calmer one now that she was no longer in harms way.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, compassion and worry showing in my voice. She nodded slowly, letting out a dry croak as she moved closer to me. I found it strange that she did this. Embracing me, her arms wrapping around my back even though they were being bumped and brushed by everyone that was trying to get by. Seeing that she wanted more comfort, I allowed my quirk to cover her as well and adjusted our position so the two of us stood in an embrace. It was weird at first, reason number one being that I didn't really know this girl all to well and the second being that I was rarely hugged while growing up so I never saw it as a necessity. But as time went by, I lent further into her, actually enjoying the warmth and closeness.

This was all ended eventually by Iida's stunt, flying through the air and landing above the door like the man on an exit sign. It was amusing, so much so that I let out a small chuckle. Tsuyu had hidden her face in my chest during the exchange, only pulling away when she heard Iida's authoritative voice saying that it was a false alarm. And from there, everyone calmed down.

Pulling away from Tsuyu, I deactivated my quirk and freed both of us from the joint force field.

"I apologize for using my quirk on you without asking, Tsuyu," I apologized, not knowing what else to say. I found it best to say sorry first, even if what I had done wasn't a big deal.

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