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My eyes fluttered open, immediately being met with the sight of the night sky above. Feeling the cold stone of the roof against my back, I knew that the man I had met earlier, Dabi, was gone.

Sitting up, I looked around so see if there was any trace him. The only thing proving that he was ever there being two empty cans sitting next to each other on the edge of the roof. Heaving a sigh, I lent back against the wall behind me, pulling my knees to my chest. Resting my forehead on them, I wrapped my arms around my legs to keep them close. Despite meeting with Dabi, I was still very upset about what had happened earlier. There was no way I could forget the hate filled words that Mihoko said about me along with her disgusted tone, as if speaking about me left a bad taste in her mouth.

Being alone again, literally, made me realize how alone I actually was. All of the heroes I loved like family were kept at a distance by the Hero Association and now I didn't know whether I could trust my best friend anymore.

The subject of money made me feel even lower, the question of whether money was what the heroes wanted in exchange for taking care of me coming to mind. Did they genuinely want me and treat me like family because they were paid or was it real?

I didn't know what to believe anymore, trying to think back to all of the kind things the heroes had done for me during my Hero Care stays with them. The idea of this made my bottom lip quiver, my vision becoming clouded by tears as they filled my eyes. As a way to try and force my tears away, I tensed my entire body, finger nails digging into my shins. It hurt and worked as a good distraction. But the pain was momentary while the feeling of loneliness engulfed me, letting the tears run freely down my face.

Sniffling quietly, I tried my best to be quiet. After meeting one person on the roof already, I didn't want to meet another and have them see me in such a state. It was a shame that nothing ever seemed to go my way.

"Oi, kid." I froze at the sound of someone's voice. It was deep and raspy, I didn't recognize it. Lifting my head a little, I peeked above my knees and caught sight of the person who stood before me. It was dark, making it difficult to make out what they looked like but with the limited light I would tell that he was a hunched-over, yet quite muscular man. His ripped scarf and the ties at the back of his mask fluttered quietly in the light night breeze.

I didn't reply, taking as much time as I was allowed to inspect him. It was still difficult to see him but as he got closer, I started to make out more of his features.

My lack of a response seemed to annoy him, enticing him to come closer. He walked forward, stopping when he was right in front of me. Crouching down to my level, he poked my leg with one of his long fingers.

"Kid, go home. You shouldn't be out here at night," he grumbled, giving my leg another poke when I didn't move. I continued staring at him from behind my knees, using the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe my face.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, crossing my legs, resting a hand on each knee. The man stared blankly at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"Aren't you scared? You know who I am, right?" he questioned, waiting for my answer. I nodded my head, leaning back to rest comfortably on the wall behind me.

"Yeah, I've seen your face in the newspapers, you're the Hero Killer," I told him, remembering him being on the front page a reasonable amount of times recently. He hummed, seeming to inspect me as I did the same to him.

"And that doesn't bother you?" he asked. I guessed that he expected to scare me off just by me seeing him, but that hadn't happened. Instead, I sat here staring at him as if there was no problem in him being there.

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