Chapter 5

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I see Dai, standing right in front of us. I'm out of options. I don't know what to do. I look at Aina and Kane and they are glaring right at Dai.

"You kids caused me a lot of trouble, I am going to kill you." Dai says, an evil smirk forming on his face.

"Aina, you know what to do right?" "Right." I am confused, what are they talking about? Kane slowly put me down while Aina whispers to me, "Hey, can you get on your feet?" "Yeah I think so.." I mumble. "Great."

Aina put one of my hands on her shoulder and her hand on my waist. Then all of a sudden, Aina and Kane start running in Dai's direction. What the hell are they thinking?! We can't fight Dai, Especially not with me holding on to Aina! Well I was wrong. Turns out fighting wasn't part of their plan at all. Aina starts running with me and Kane jumps on Dai.

"Kane!" I yell. No don't do it. Don't give yourself away to die. Please. "Goodbye Miyuki, Aina." Kane says with a smile as I see him vanish in the thick mist before me. Why? Why is everyone doing this? They are giving their lives away, and even in their last moments they manage to put on a smile. Why?!

There is a thick fog around us. It is really quite. I can barely see anything but still we keep on running straight ahead. Aina abruptly stops. I hear her cough. "Aina?" I ask. She is about to fall down but I catch her. I rest her head on my hand. That's when I notice the kunai stabbed through her chest from behind. "How did- Aina stay with me please,please!" I cry out. Tears start running down my cheeks.

"One down one more to go." I see Dai, so I guess Kane didn't make it. I activate my sharingan and just as I was about to take out my kunai, Aina pulls my wrist. "Aina I-"

"You-u have to live, Miyuki. For us. Don't let our-r deaths change the way you are. We will-l always be with you. Always." Aina says. I can't feel her heartbeat. She dies, she dies in my hands. I cannot save her anymore. I cannot save any of them. They all died. They died for me.

"I won't let all of their deaths be in vain. I will kill you." He takes a step back after looking into my eyes. I take out my kunai and hit him in multiple spots. He tries to dodge but I can tell I'm going too fast for him. I don't understand how I am able to do this but it doesn't matter now. Just as I am about to kill him I look down at a puddle and look at my eyes. Those red eyes which ruined everything. All I can see in them now are grief and sorrow.

Dai is coming up to me. His kunai is centimetres away from lodging into my eye. I try to get up. But I have a feeling that before I get a chance to defend myself he'll stab me. He'll kill me. Their deaths will be in vain. That's when I see a ray of hope. He was standing in front of me. I see him kill Dai before I pass out. Even now I don't know who helped me that day.


I was on a mission with two other teammates of mine. I sensed some chakra signatures coming from up ahead which was unexpected because this was supposed to be an abandoned place.

I used the byakugan and saw a little girl holding another, but a dead kid. A man was standing right in front of them. The girl put the body down and starting fighting the man. Her skills were admirable for a kid, even though she was injured she managed to fight him. I noticed that a lot of her chakra was focused on her eyes, which was unusual. I get distracted by my teammates for a few seconds here and there and in the blink of an eye the man collapsed. I thought I saw someone else there but I am not entirely sure.

I planned on getting the kid and training her for the village but the kid vanished. I don't know where, and I don't know how she managed to do it. I didn't find her there, I couldn't detect her chakra, nothing.

Two years later, I found her walking around the village. I took her in and asked where she'd been in the last 2 years. All she told me was that she has been training on her own for the past two years, I even had I one of my men check her memories but nothing. So I guess she was telling the truth after all. Since then she has been living with me.

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