9 - Clones

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I jump in the middle of the chaos and stab Zabuza with my Katana. There was water coming out of it instead of blood, a water clone. The real Zabuza appears behind me,
"Yaeko behind you!" Naruto yells as Kakashi puts a kunai to his neck.

"Don't move." Kakashi warns him. "You're finished."
Zabuza starts laughing. "Finished? I will never be defeated by a copy cat ninja like you. Nice try, but I am not that easy to fool."

This one's a clone too! I stab this clone while the real Zabuza throws an attack on Kakashi. Kakashi lands in the water as I punch Zabuza and almost stab him. "You're skills have improved kid." "Shut up" I say, annoyed. For some reason he keeps himself open and I punch him resulting him to land in the water.
"Yaeko you got him!" Sakura cheers.

I don't get it. Why did he keep himself open like that? Did he want me to punch him? He then stands up and smirks at me. I saw Kakashi near him in the water. Shit! He wanted to get near Kakashi that is why he kept himself open in that direction, damn it!
"Kakashi get out of the water!" I yell at him.
"Too late kid." Zabuza gets behind Kakashi. "Water prison jutsu" Damn it! I hate that stupid jutsu. Ao Sensei uses it on me every time I 'misbehave'. It's almost impossible to get out of on your own. The prison is as strong as steel.

He leaves a clone to keep Kakashi in the jutsu, "How about a rematch?" He says looking at me. Will I have to reveal my sharingan? There's got to be another way. All of sudden I feel someone pulling my hand, I look behind and see Sasuke dragging me. He brings me to where the others were, "So what do we do?" He asks while the others look at me. In that moment the mist starts getting thick again and I sense Zabuza in front of Naruto so I push him out of the way and end up taking the hit instead.

I get thrown a few steps back and see Zabuza standing right in front of me. He uses his executioner's blade and I block his attack using my Katana. We then get into a heated taijutsu battle. After a while we both step back. I am not entirely sure of what I should do right now. Wait isn't he a water style user? Maybe I could use earth style as it overpowers water style. Then again, earth style isn't my specialty, but it might give me the upper hand.

"Earth style: Bedrock Coffin" I yell. The jutsu manipulates the rocks around the target and crushes them together. He struggles at first but then somehow manages to get out using his water style. The only reason that worked was because my earth style is really weak. But still he was panting so it gave me the advantage.

"You have gotten strong kid. But if it wasn't for your weakness-" He runs towards Sasuke at a speed that Sasuke won't be able to handle and just as he was about to stab him I go in front of them resulting in the blade piercing right through my hand and my stomach. "You could have been a formidable opponent, Yaeko." He says looking at me. I hear Kakashi calling my name as I slowly pass out.

Sasuke POV

I held Yaeko's body as she fell. I felt her pulse so luckily she was alive. But why did she do that? For me? Why?

"Now you brats are next."

"Listen get Yaeko and run. You can't win this fight. He's using his power to keep me in this prison with his clone. But if the real body is away from the clone the clone will disappear. As soon as that happens I will buy you time to get out of here. Run!" Kakashi yells at us with a slight fear in his eyes.

Run away? Not an option. That became unthinkable the moment you and Yaeko were down. No matter how fast we run, how far we go, he'll track us down and wipe us out. In the end, if we're on our own, we're finished. We have to get Yaeko medical attention, fast. That won't be possible if we have Zabuza on our tail. So we can't do this alone. Our only chance of survival is to rescue you, Kakashi.

I give Yaeko to Sakura and run towards Zabuza. I throw some shurikens at him but he deflects all of them with his sword. I jump high with my kunai directed at him but he grabs me by my neck and throws me behind. He's too strong. I saw Zabuza's kick Naruto while he was trembling. Out of nowhere Naruto starts running towards Zabuza with nothing, that's just dumb. Sakura yells at him as he gets thrown back. Why did he even do something so stupid?

Naruto gets up with his headband in his left hand. I see. That's why he charged at Zabuza. He then puts his headband back up. Naruto tells me he has a plan. Now he's got a plan? This guy. Zabuza then starts laughing at us. He then kicks me in the gut and punches me as I lie on the floor. Naruto starts making his shadow clones. He then gives me a huge shurinken out of his backpack. As soon as I touch it I easily spot something. So that was his plan. Not bad Naruto.

"Demon wind shuriken: windmill of shadows"
"A shuriken? You'll never touch me with that" I hold back a chuckle because I knew what was going to happen.
I throw the shuriken aiming it at the clone holding Kakashi. He catches the first shuriken with his left hand. He then notices the second shuriken I threw in the shadow of the first. Almost as the shuriken was about to hit him Zabuza dodges it.

I smirk as the shuriken transforms back to Naruto and he throws a kunai at Zabuza's right hand. Zabuza gets no choice but to release his right hand which meant releasing Kakashi out of his jutsu. After that Zabuza gets really mad and was about to throw the shuriken at Naruto. Luckily, Kakashi stops him and they both start fighting.

Zabuza starts making hand signs and Kakashi starts making those exacts same hand signs. "Water style: water dragon jutsu." Two dragons emerge from the water and clash into each other. Zabuza starts using his sword to fight while Kakashi uses a Kunai. They both then step back and start doing the exact same thing. Kakashi is copying Zabuza.

"Water style: Giant vortex jutsu" Zabuza falls in and the water goes everywhere. That jutsu is strong. Kakashi then throws his kunais hitting Zabuza in multiple spots. Then all of a sudden two needles hit Zabuza and he falls on the ground. We all gasp and Kakashi goes to check his vitals. There was nothing. He was dead?

The man says he is a tracker and that he had to stop Zabuza. He then picks Zabuza up and takes him away. Kakashi runs to Yaeko to check on her. "Her situation is bad. Really bad. We need to get her emergency medical attention soon." Kakashi says with a worried look on his face.

"I know what we can do." We all look at Tazuna as he continues, "My daughter knows medical. She could help her."
"Are you sure?" Sakura asks. Tazuna nods in response and Kakashi tries to pick her up but instead falls on his knee.
"Sasuke, I have overused my sharingan, I have exhausted myself, you need to carry her." I do as he says and pick her up bridal style as we rush to Tazuna's village.

When we reach Tazuna's house his daughter starts treating Yaeko in a room. She takes Sakura along with her for help. After a couple hours both come out and tell us that Yaeko's conditions is stable and that she'll wake up in a few days. That was a relief. She was in such a situation because she protected me. I wouldn't have let her die on me like that.

~ Timeskip ~

Miyuki POV

I wake up as Kakashi comes into the room. I feel a little dizzy and see bandages wrapped around my stomach and my hand.
"Yaeko, it's good to see you're finally awake." He exclaimed.
"Yeah." What happened in the first place? Wait! Zabuza - he trapped Kakashi - he stabbed me. "Kakashi, what happened with Zabuza?" I ask, worried.
"Don't worry." He said as he patted my head. "He has been taken care of."
"Taken care of...?"
"A boy came and killed Zabuza with senbon needles. He took his body to dispose it off."

Great. Zabuza's alive. I am sure of it. Senbon needles, I am sure it was his partner. He used them on me too before. They hurt a lot but if thrown in a right way, you could stop someone's pulse for some time and they will still manage to survive. But how do I tell Kakashi that Zabuza's alive without acting suspicious myself?

This is such a drag.

Miyuki Hatake : Kakashi's daughter Where stories live. Discover now