Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

I thought what Bill said all day. I couldn't concentrate on anything in class and it didn't help that a video of Bill's flash mob in the cafeteria was going viral so everywhere I went people would point and laugh. I heavily debated if I should try out for his band. On one hand, if my mom ever found out about it she would kill me with no hesitation and then dance on my grave. But on the other hand it could be a good opportunity for me. Bill's band always plays at battle of the bands during homecoming and they always win. Plus I can just imagine my dad's proud face as he sees me play on stage in front of an actual audience. As 6th hour ends I finally come to a decision and rush out to the hallway grabbing Mable's arm before she can walk out with her friends. "Mabel wait!"

"What is it, dipshit?" She says in a very pissed off and annoyed tone.

"Can you tell mom that I'm going to be home late? My teacher asked me to tutor someone for Triginometry."

"What-fucking-ever." She walks away flipping me off over her shoulder.

"Love you too." I mumble as I walk in the direction of the band room. I take my glasses off putting them in their case and stuff the case in my pocket as I walk into the band room, seeing the blurry figures of at least a dozen people in the room, including who I think is Bill holding a clipboard.

"Alright idiots, listen up. Because I made the band I get to make the final decisions on who makes the cut and who doesn't. You get one try and if you make any mistakes then you're out. If I simply don't like the way you look or the song you're playing then you're out." I gulp nervously thinking about my glasses and am now glad that I took them off. "Now let's get started." One by one he has people try out and one by one he rejects them. Most aren't very good at guitar or can't sing for shit but a good handful it's simply because he says he doesn't like their clothes or song choice. Finally I'm the only one left as I stand in front of him holding the electric guitar everyone has used so far. "Well? You going to start or what?"

"Y-yeah...sorry...." Gulping nervously I take a deep breath in and out before I start playing and singing what is currently one of my favorite songs. "Nothing I say comes out right
I can't love without a fight
No one ever knows my name
When I pray for sun, it rains
I'm so sick of wasting time
But nothings moving in my mind
Inspiration can't be found
I get up and fall but

I'm alive!
I'm alive! Oh, yeah
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me
Reaching for heaven
I will fight
And I"ll sleep when I die
I live, my life, I'm alive!

Every lover breaks my heart
And I know it from the start
Still I end up in a mess
Every time I second guess
All my friend's just run away
When I'm having a bad day
I would rather stay in bed
But I know there's a reason

I'm alive!
I'm alive! Oh, yeah
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me
Reaching for heaven
I will fight
And I"ll sleep when I die
I live, my life, I'm alive!

When I'm bored to death at home
When he won't pick up the phone
When I'm stuck in second place
Those regrets I can't erase
Only I can change the end
Of the movie in my head
There's no time for misery
I won't feel sorry for me

I'm alive!
I'm alive! Oh, yeah
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me
Reaching for heaven
I will fight
And I"ll sleep when I die
I live, my life, I'm alive!

I'm alive!
I'm alive! Oh, yeah
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me
Reaching for heaven
I will fight
And I"ll sleep when I die
I live, my life, I'm alive!"

The room is deathly silent for the longest time and I start thinking that I severly messed up before he starts clapping. "Well done! And here I thought I might be too harsh on everyone who auditioned. You ever play before, Pinetree?"

"Uh, a bit at home but never really in front of anyone."

"Well starting tomorrow you will officially be part of my band." He hands me a slip of paper with some writing on it but I can't read the writing. "Here's my address, rehearsals take place in my garage right after school so don't be late."

"I-I'll be there."

"Good." I think he winks at me before he leaves. Oh holy shit I can't believe that I did it! But what am I supposed to use as an excuse for my mom now? I didn't think this far ahead.

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