Chapter 12

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(Dipper pov)

I stumble through the crowds, my vision fuzzy from my glasses being off and from the alcohol. I think that I have had at least 3 bottles, but I have never drank alcohol before now. I push open a pair of french doors and stand on a giant ass balcony that looks over the backyard. When did I get upstairs? Man this place is confusing when I can't see straight. I finish the bottle of beer in my hand before dropping it to the ground and leaning my hands on the railing. I haven't seen Bill since the whole thing with Robbie earlier so I don't know if he is even still here. "Great, lost the person who wanted me to come to this stupid party in the first place......fuck I just want to go home." I quietly mumble to myself.

Hearing footsteps behind me I turn around and see what I think is the blurry figure of Robbie standing there. I gulp nervously, not having been alone with him since.....since the incident the night of his graduation. Any courage I felt earlier when others were around and Bill was there is just instantly gone. I try to walk by him but he shoves me back hard against the railing, almost sending me over it. "You think you can fucking humiliate me like that, you fucking four eyed freak?"

"Look, Robbie, I only did that because of the alcohol. I don't want to be here, just let me leave already. "

"No no no. You do not get to pull that stunt and just leave." He leans close to my ear and whispers as he forfully takes my flannel off of me. "You wanted me to fuck you so badly now your wish is coming true."

My eyes widen in horror as I realize what he has in mind. I frantically try to push him off with one hand and use the other hand to hold my shirt down as he tries to take it off of me. "No no stop! Stop it you fucking monster! Someone help!"

"Fucking shut up!" He hisses in my ear as his hand grabs my face hard, my screams muffled under his hand. He manages to rip my shirt off of me and I feels tears spreading down my cheeks as I weakly try to get his hands away from my jeans.

A flash of red tackles Robbie off of me and I fall to the ground as the tears silently cascade down my cheeks. I see Bill's blurry figure kneel down to me and gently wipe away my tears. I get my glasses out of my pocket and put them on as I finally register his words. "Are you okay, Pinetree?"

"Yeah.....y-yeah I-I'm okay......"

"Okay." He helps me to my feet and I see him have to pull Kill off of Robbie, Robbie's entire face bloody and bruised. "Kill, enough!"

"You motherfucker! You do not have the right to do that bullshit to anyone, especially my friend! You fucking touch him again and I will fucking murder you, you bastard motherfucking asshole!" Kill shouts as Bill half drags him away from Robbie.

"That is enough Kill!" Bill pushes him against the railing next to me. "Just calm down and let's take Dipper home. This party is lame anyway."

"Fine...." I see Kill make his way back through the house.

I rub my arms shivering as a breeze blows by. "Here." Bill takes off his yellow hoodie and hands to to me. I put it on, grateful for the warmth it gave. He puts his arm around my shoulders leading me through the house and to the front yard where Kill stands by Bill's car.

"C-Can I drive?" I ask as Bill gets the keys from his pocket.

"Do you have your liscence?"

"Not yet.....but I did take the written test."

"Alright, just try not to break any traffic laws." He hands me the keys and gets into the passenger side.

I get in the driver's side as Kill gets in the back. I turn on the ignition and slowly drive away from that awful house. Everything is going fine at first, the car being a comfortable silence, until Robbie's words start ringing in my head.

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