Part 1

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(Faiths p.o.v.)

Mikael ~ child you ready to go to New Orleans to watch over the Mikaelsons.

(Remember Faith has no idea that she is a Mikaelson and neither does Mikael)

Faith ~ i am but i still don't understand why i have to look over the Mikaelsons. Who even are they?

Mikael ~ because they are my enemies and they need to be killed.

Faith ~ but who are they? What'd they do to you?

Mikael ~ stop asking questions, child! And do what your told.

Faith ~ yes sir.

With that said we got in a car and headed to New Orleans. Once we got to New Orleans he dropped me off at the apartment I'll be staying at and gave me the address of the family to whom i will be watching. I had put all my things away and since i didnt have much it didnt take long. The next morning i got up and got dressed for the day. I was wearing a blue jean skirt and a black top. With light makeup on and left my hair down and headed to school to where i was suppose to get close with Hope Mikaelson or as she goes by at school Marshall. I walked into the school and asked a random person.

(Picture of outfit)

Faith ~ um excuse me I'm new and i need help finding the office

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Faith ~ um excuse me I'm new and i need help finding the office.

A random person ~ um take a left and its the first door on the right.

Faith ~ um thank you for helping.

I walked into the office and the lady at the desk said.

Desk lady ~ you must be Faith? The transfer student?

Faith ~ um yeah that's me.

Desk lady ~ um i have a student coming to show you around she should be here any minute.

Just as she finished saying that a teen girl who looked around 18 walked in and said.

??? ~ miss. Carry I'm here to show the new student around. Oh hello you must be the transfer student. I'm Hope Marshall.

Faith ~ um I'm Faith. Nice to meet you.

Miss. Carry ~ please take her to her classes before her first class starts please.

Hope ~ of course follow me.

She said moving her hand towards the door. I followed her till we got to my class and she said.

Hope ~ i know being a transfer student is hard so if you need anything you can just ask me. And we can hang out together at lunch and breaks. I wont be in any of your classes seeing as your a sophomore and I'm a Senior. But you need a friend so ill be that friend.

Faith ~ thanks.

Hope ~ oh and since its friday maybe we can go shopping or go out for dinner.

Faith ~ um..

Hope ~ oh my word I'm sorry you just met me. And I'm going full Hope mode on you. Sorry I'm just really looking for a friend i too am somewhat new here and i dont have much friends and i just really feel like i can trust you.

She seems like such a nice girl i dont want to hurt her but i dont have a choice.

Faith ~ Hope its okay. And I'd love to out with you tonight. I dont have anything planned. So maybe we can swap numbers and get to know each other.

Hope ~ oh my word yes!!

With that we swapped numbers and we both headed to our different classes. Once school was done i started walking back to my apartment to do school work when i heard Hope call out to me.

Hope ~ hey Faith wait.

I stopped walking and turned towards Hope.

Faith ~ oh hey what's up?

Hope ~ i was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to my house and do our homework together before going out tonight.

Faith ~ oh well wouldn't it be easier if i just went back to my apartment and then i could get dressed and stuff.

Hope ~ well you look around my size so you could just borrow some of my clothes.

Faith ~ okay. Sounds good i guess.

Hope ~ lets go my mom is waiting for me.

Faith ~ okay.

Once we walked over to a vehicle which a lady was standing by she said.

??? ~ hello Hope how was your...who is this Hope?

Hope ~ this is a friend of mine i invited her to come and do her homework at our house and we have plans to go out later and go out to eat and go shopping.

??? ~ oh okay. Well I'm Hayley. I'm Hopes mom.

She said reaching her hand out to shake mine i hesitantly shook her hand before saying.

Faith ~ I'm Faith. It's nice to meet you miss. Hayley.

Hayley ~ oh please just call me Hayley. If you use miss it makes me sound old.

We then all started to laugh a little and i said.

Faith ~ ok Hayley.

With that we all got into the car me and Hope in the back and Hayley in the front. And it felt nice to feel like i have a friend and i don't understand why they would be enemy's of Mikael. I don't want to hurt them. I dont want them to die. They dont seem like they did anything wrong. And i feel like i have this weird connection to Hope. I feel like i can trust her. But before i could think more Hope brought me out of my thoughts by saying.

Hope ~ come on. We're here lets go inside.

We got out of the car and walked inside. Once we entered i saw a man who I'm assuming is Klaus cause Mikael showed me pictures of all the Mikaelsons. He looked at me before looking back at Hope and saying.

Klaus ~ who's your friend, Hope?

Hope ~ oh hi dad this is Faith my friend. She's new at school and needed a friend and since i dont really have friends here i told her we could be friends.

Klaus ~ oh well hello Faith. Nice to meet you.

To be honest he scared me. And i think he knows that by the fact his smile seemed to become smaller. But why would he stop smiling i thought he loved when people were scared of him instead i simply replied with.

Faith ~ its nice to meet you to Mr...

Klaus ~ Klaus Mikaelson. But please call me Klaus.

Even though i knew his name i had to pretend i didnt.

Faith ~ right well...

I was gonna say something when he cut me off by saying.

Klaus ~ do you Faith have a last name?

Faith ~ of course i do doesn't everyone?

Klaus ~ well yes care to enlighten me on what your last name is?

Faith ~ um its Forbes. Faith Forbes.

Klaus ~ Forbes? Forbes as in Caroline and Mykayla Forbes?

By the fact that i was frozen still told him everything he needed to know.....

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