Part 4

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(Faiths p.o.v.)

Faith ~ what are you doing here? How did you find out where i was? I covered my tracts. There was no spell you could've done to find me.

Klaus ~ well luv we have a lot of talking to do. And we need to talk about your father.

Faith ~ I'm sorry aunt Care i didnt mean to bring you into my mess. And as for you...

I said pointing to klaus and the Mikaelsons.

Faith ~ you dont get to talk about my father. You already interrogated me about my mother and you saw what happened. Do you really want to bring another memory of someone who is dead?!

Klaus ~ hes not dead. Well i mean he is but hes not.

Faith ~ what? No mom said he was dead.

Klaus ~ well she wasn't wrong. Ive been dead for a long time.

Faith ~wait you said that youve been dead for a long time.

Caroline ~ your her father?

Klaus ~ you didnt know?

Caroline ~ no all she told me is that it was a one night stand and that the baby wouldnt mean anything to him.

Faith ~ so you also knew that my father wasn't dead?

Caroline ~ she told me that if the guy was in your life he'd hurt you so of course I would've protected you.

Faith ~ well it doesn't matter. I dont believe that you my father so leave. Because if you dont i will.

I said while walking back towards my bag that was on the couch once I'd grabbed it i turned to look at Aunt Caroline and said.

Faith ~ i gotta go aunt Care. I have to finish what i started. I have to kill the man behind my mothers death.

Caroline ~ Faith you cant go. He will kill you.

Faith ~ he can kill me. But i wont die without a fight. So this is goodbye for now.

With that i walked out side walking past the Mikaelsons. Hope grabbed onto my are and said.

Hope ~ dont do this Faith. We just wanna be here for you. To protect you like we should've done from the beginning. Your not alone and you need to know that. You can leave now but i...we wont stop till we find you. We're family. And family is 'Always and forever'.

Faith ~ Hope ive lived my life thinking my father was dead. I watched my mother die right in front of me. I watched as they took the one person i needed. And I couldn't go to Aunt Caroline. Yeah she lost her husband but she still had a family. She had the father of her children. She had her children. And i didnt wanna be here seeing that no matter what they get through things while I'm still just as broken as ive ever been. Can you honestly tell me tat you know what I'm going through?

Everyone looked at me shocked by what i said. I had tears coming down my face.

Caroline ~ thats why you didnt wanna be here? Cause you saw the family we had? You know you are apart of this family too. And now your father and his family wants to be there for you. Just let them in.

Faith ~ i cant aunt Care. I have and Original Vampire Hunter coming after me i cant have any distractions.

Klaus ~ thats not the real reason you dont want to let us in. Your scared that if you do. You'll lose us too. But we aren't going anywhere I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be there. I may have missed most of your childhood but I'm not missing anything else.

Faith ~ you dont mean that. Your just saying that to

Elijah ~ to get close to you and use you?

Kol ~ we aren't. 

Rebecka ~ yes we have done bad things but we would never do that to family.

Klaus ~ so if you give us a chance to be your family we won't disappoint you.

Faith ~ but Mikael.

Klaus ~ we will deal with Mikael. But right now we need our family. And that means you.

I was full on crying and couldn't think about what to say. I always wanted my father in my life but i never thought it was possible. So without much thought i ran up to Klaus and gave him a hug and said.

Faith ~ well dont leave me. Cause if you leave ill kill you and if your already dead i bring you back and then kill you myself got it?

He chuckled a little bit before saying

Klaus ~ i wouldnt dare leave you.

I then pulled away and looked over to Hope and said.

Faith ~ thanks.

Hope ~ for what i didnt do anything.

Faith ~ well if you hadn't of invited me to your house I would've never known. You guys would have no idea i was family but that means I'm related to Mikael. Man is it bad to hate a family member?

Hope ~ not when that family member has tried to kill our father uncles and aunts. I'm glad i have a sibling believe or not but when you have then as family it gets quite boring. And upsetting.

Faith ~ i can see it. But life will never being boring now.

Klaus ~ hey were not boring.

Rebecka ~ and I'm defiantly not upsetting!

Elijah ~ i agree.

Kol looked over to use and gave us a big smile saying.

Kol ~ i taught Hope right and Faith went along with it. I'm sure pranks will come.

Faith ~ wait more pranks to come? I think i have a favorite uncle already

Hope ~ yeah hes mine.

Elijah ~ I'm standing right here.

Then we all laugh knowing we were just playing around and didnt actually mean it. It honestly felt good to have a family with me to have a father and a sister. But i stopped smiling when i was pulled into a vision.

(The vision)

Mikael ~ did you really think you could hide from me I'm a Vampire Hunter for Pete's sake. Could you honestly be so dumb but i guess you get that from the abomination you call father. But father like daughter right. You just an abomination a bigger one then your Father at that.  

Klaus ~ shes not an abomination so dont ever call her that again. And your the stupid one your the one that thought you could actually take my daughter and think you could get away with it.

I was pulled out of vision early but my father lightly shaking me. I lost my balance and my father caught me saying.

Klaus ~ Faith what's wrong? What happened?

Faith ~ daddy

Was all i said before the world went dark around me.

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