Part 7

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(Klaus's p.o.v.)

I walked into the room where Freya was still looking for Faith, and where my other siblings were helping with whatever they could. I cant help but be so worried about my youngest daughter. And ill admit its hard being there for my other daughter, Hope knowing she's just as scared about Faith as I am and I'm trying to be strong for her I really am but how am I supposed to be strong when my youngest daughter, Hopes sister, could very well be in much pain right now. 

Klaus ~ Freya how is it coming on finding Faith?

Freya ~ I'm still trying. But I think I'm getting close.

Elijah ~ Just give it some time, Niklaus she's doing everything she can.

Klaus ~ I understand that, but it has been 2 weeks since I've seen Faith. Hope is scared, and I cant I repeat I cant lose a family member. I'm trying to be there for Hope but its extremely hard when all I cant think about is one of my little girls being in pain. So don't tell me to give it time I've giving it time. I just need to know where she is, I need to know if she's alive.

Freya ~ I'm working on that Klaus, I've hardly slept trying to find her and I'm so close to breaking it but I'm weak I haven't rested in 2 weeks. When I tell you I'm doing everything I can I am. 

Elijah ~ We are gonna find her.

Rebecka ~ And we will kill the person who took her.

Kol ~ No matter what.

Hope ~ She's gonna be okay dad, I can feel it.

(Faiths p.o.v.)

Its been 2 weeks since I've seen my family I'm starting to think that they gave up on looking for me I mean wouldn't they have found me by now? Well I guess its just up to me to get myself out of here but first lets start with taking this spell that keeps from locater spells to be used off and then work on getting out of here. After a few attempts oh who am I kidding after a couple hours of working on getting this spell undone it finally has been undone I now feel extremely weak but nothing is impossible all I've got to do it do a transport spell to get me out of here and away from Esther until I'm healed to the point I can take down Esther once and for all. But before I could think about it any further I heard what sounded to be neck snaps? Oh I must be hallucinating, I got to get out of here and soon but the next thing I know is the door opens and I say

Faith ~ Please you already did your torturing for today cant we be done I haven't done anything wrong, please.

I said literally on the verge of crying, but my vision was blurry from being in the dark for 2 weeks and with the torture I was going through and the light I couldn't see who was there but the person just said. 

??? ~ Hey Faith, don't worry i'm here now your gonna be okay.

But before I could hear anymore I felt myself go weaker then before and the next thing I know is the world went black...

(Klaus's p.o.v.)

I was sitting on the couch watching Freya continue to chant until she stopped and said.

Freya ~ I've found her! Klaus I've found Faith!

Klaus ~ okay ill get everyone but you should stay here and rest I know who have hardly slept and are weak so you and Hope, Lizzy, and Josie can stay while the rest of us go get the youngest Mikaelson.

Caroline ~ sounds good lets go get my niece,

Elijah ~ yes shall we?

Rebecka ~ yes we shall

Kol ~ little niece we are coming.

With that we all headed to her location to find Esther and another young vampire. I vamp sped to the young vampire and ripped his heart out then turned to my mother saying.

Klaus ~ you have no idea what you messed with.

Esther ~ What gonna kill me again? It wont work I'm prepared for anything.

Freya ~ well its a good thing you were not expecting us.

Freya says stepping out with Hope, Lizzy, and Josie. i watched as they all used their magic and when Esther wasn't expecting me I vamp sped over to her and ripped her heart from her chest saying

Klaus ~ shouldn't have messed with my family and you certainly shouldn't have messed with one of my daughters

Without any other words said I started to look around until I opened a door and saw my beautiful youngest daughter tied to a chair with probably vervain and wolfsbane ropes she was covered in blood and had many wounds I started walking towards her and I could tell she thought I was someone else by the fact that she said

Faith ~ Please you already did your torturing for today cant we be done I haven't done anything wrong, please.

It hurts me so much to see one of my daughters in this much pain so I slowly started walking towards her saying

Klaus ~ Hey Faith, don't worry I'm here now your gonna be okay.

I watched as her eyes rolled back and her head fell telling me she passed out so with that I untied my daughter and picked her up and I headed back to the rest of the family and said 

Klaus ~ lets take her home to rest.

Everyone agreed so with that we went home, once we got home I had Rebecka change Faith into clean clothes and then we put her into her bed and I sat in a nearby chair to wait for Faith to awake. After hours of waiting I fell asleep.

(Faiths p.o.v.)

I woke up in my own bed in new clean clothes and looked up to see my father asleep in the chair beside my bed, which makes me believe that he has been waiting for me to wake so I figured I would get his attention so he knows he can go get some actual sleep.

Faith ~ Daddy? 

Klaus ~ Faith your up?

Faith ~ yeah I'm up why don't you go get some actual sleep, you must have been up for hours.

Klaus ~ no its okay I don't wanna leave you not after I've just found you I don't wanna lose you.

Faith ~ but you guys weren't looking for me I had to break the spell

Klaus ~ we have been looking none stop for you, and you doing that spell you did helped us find you. 

Faith ~ I love you daddy.

Klaus ~ I love you too little one,

With that we both fell back to sleep happy I was home and safe.

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