Part 5

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(Klauss p.o.v.)

We were all laughing when I looked at Faith and her smile disappeared and she looked like she was scared? So I walked closer to her and said 

Klaus ~ Faith luv are you alright?

She didnt respond and I started worrying about her. Why wasnt she responding?

Klaus ~ Freya whats happening to her! Shes not responding! is she okay?

Freya ~ Its as if shes in a vision.

Klaus ~ A vision? Why would she be in a vision?

Freya ~ I dont know but I could try to pull her out of it.

Klaus ~ Do whatever you have to do.

Without another second I watched as Freya began chanting but not long after she started she stopped saying  

Freya ~ The vision is too powerful I cant get her out of it. Maybe if Hope helped me we could get the vision to stop.

Klaus ~ If Hope is willing to help then yes. 

Hope ~ I'll do anything I can do to help my younger sister!

With that said I watched as Hope and Freya started chanting. After a few minutes they stopped and looked at Faith saying.

Hope ~ We finished the spell

Freya ~ She should be pulled out of the spell 

After Freya finished Faith started looking around so i said

Klaus ~ Faith What's wrong? What happened?

She looked out me and said 

Faith ~ Daddy

Before her eyes rolled back and she passed out falling to the ground but i caught her before she hit the ground. I carried her into Caroline's house and put her on the couch and said.

Klaus ~ Caroline I think it would be best if we take her home so we can protect her from Mikael.

Caroline ~ no that's my niece I want to help protect her.

Elijah ~ Its dangerous. 

Rebecka ~ Yeah Mikael could kill you.

Caroline ~ Yeah so what she's family and family protects family no matter what.

Lizzy ~ Mom what's going on here?

Josie ~ Yeah. Why is Faith unconscious on the couch?

Caroline ~ Girls someone is coming after Faith so the Mikaelsons are gonna take her to keep her safe.

Lizzy ~ What? No, that's my cousin she's family I want to help protect her! and the Mikaelsons don't even know her!

Josie ~ Wait whos coming for her? What happened while she was gone? And why are the Miakelsons here? What are they gonna do?

Caroline ~ Girls I know that you want to protect her, I want to protect her too. But how we have to protect her is by letting the Mikaelsons protect her. there is something you should know about the Mikaelsons.

The girls just continued staring at Caroline while occasionally looking at Faith and Caroline continued saying 

Caroline ~ The Mikaelsons are also family to Faith.

Lizzy ~ Your saying that the Mikaelsons are family?

Josie ~ Wait how?

I decided it was time to step in and explain how I am related to Faith so I said 

Klaus ~ Let me explain a little bit more. I'm Klaus Mikaelson, I'm Faiths father.

Josie ~ Didn't see that one coming.

Lizzy ~ Wait, whos coming after Faith?

??? ~ That would be me.

We all turned around to see Mikael standing there.

Klaus ~ What are you doing here?

But before we could say more we heard a gasp and we all looked over to see Faith waking up.

(Faiths p.o.v.)

I gasped awake while sitting up I immediately said

Faith ~ Daddy? Daddy what's going on?

I looked up to my father as he slowly walked over to me saying.

Klaus ~ hey your fine I'm right here but we have to deal with something.

I then looked behind my father to see Mikael standing there with that stupid smirk on his face. I then got of the couch and started walking over to Mikael before my father grabbed my arm making me stop in place.

Mikael ~ So you found out who your father is? Such a shame he had to be an abomination like you.

Faith ~ Don't call him that!

Mikael ~ Did you really think you could hide from me? I'm a Vampire Hunter for Pete's sake. Could you honestly be so dumb but I guess you get that from the abomination you call father. But father like daughter right. Your just an abomination, a bigger one then your father at that.

Klaus ~ She's not an abomination so don't ever call her that again. And your the stupid one, your the one that thought you could actually take my daughter and think you could get away with it.

Mikael ~ I'm not the stupid one. 

Faith ~ Lets get this over with shall we? 

Caroline ~ No Faith you cant take him all on your own.

Faith ~ I can and I will. Even if it costs my life.

With that said I vamp sped over to Mikael and transported us back to an ally in New Orleans where Mikael spoke saying.

Mikael ~ Its quite stupid thinking you can take me on all on your own.

Faith ~ Maybe but at least no one else gets hurt and at least I can take you down with me.

Mikael ~ And how do you think you can take me down?

Faith ~ With the one thing that can kill an original. The white oak stake.

Mikael ~ And where did you get it from? 

Faith ~ From you actually. When you had me working for you well i grabbed it and i guess you where too dumb to even notice that it was missing.

Mikael ~ Your lying because I have always had it. Its actually here with me now.

He said while pulling out the white oak stake. But Little did he know i switched the stakes. That's just plan wood.

Faith ~ You really are stupid, but less talking lets get this fight on with shall we? I mean it will only be so long before my father and the rest of the family comes to the rescue, even though I don't need them to save me which means if I get out of this alive I'm probably gonna be in trouble.

After I finished my last sentence the fight began.......

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