Part 6

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(Faiths p.o.v.)

we had been fighting for the past 20 minutes and you almost killed him but then you had another vision.

(The vision)

??? ~ Hey miss me?

Faith ~ your the one who killed my mother but I killed you, so how are you here?

??? ~ I might have a part in that.

A women's voice spoke

Faith ~ Who are you?

??? ~ My name is Esther. I'm Mikael's wife, your grandmother. I'm also one of the people behind the death of your precious mother. Her death was actually my idea.

Faith ~ How could you? She didn't do anything wrong why would you take her life? 

Esther ~ well we needed you to do our dirty work.

(End of the vision)

I was thinking about the vision when Mikael shoved what he thought to be the white oak stake through my stomach.

Mikael ~ why aren't you desiccating?

Faith ~ like I said before I switched the real white oak stake with a fake.

Mikael ~ but how there's no way you would've been able to. I had it with me at all times.

Faith ~ Well apparently you didn't have it with you all the time or else I wouldn't have it.

But without further conversation I grabbed the real white oak stake and stabbed him into the heart and watched as he fell to the ground and started to desiccating.

Faith ~ i told you id win. You shouldn't of been to stupid to deal with me.

i was so focused on watching Mikael I didn't hear someone come behind me until it was too late and the person behind me snapped my neck and everything went black.

(Klaus's p.o.v.)

I watched as Faith went towards Mikael then they both disappeared. I turned towards Freya and said.

Klaus ~ Where did she go, and where is Mikael?

Freya ~ she did a transport spell. Her and Mikael are somewhere Faith took them.

Elijah ~ Well is there a way we could tract them?

Caroline ~ Yeah she thinks she can take on Mikael all by herself and its gonna cost her life. 

Hope ~ Can't we do a spell to see if we can find where she is?

Freya ~ we can certainly try. Caroline, it might take a lot of magic to find her do you think maybe your girls could help us?

Lizzy ~ of course we will help.

Josie ~ she's our bestfriend, we would do anything to help her.

Caroline ~ of course

Rebecka ~ Now all you guys need is Nik's blood, right?

Freya ~ yeah, so Hope get Klaus's blood in this bowl while I finish getting everything we need.

With that I watched as Hope walked over to me with the bowl so I bit into my hand and watched as my blood dripped into the bowl. Then Hope walked back over to Freya and Caroline's daughters. Seconds later they all started chanting and after a few minutes they all looked back up and stopped chanting. And Freya stood up saying.

Freya ~ She's in New Orleans.

Klaus ~ Well we have a family member to save and an enemy to kill so lets go.

with that we all got into the car and headed to where Faith was in New Orleans. Once we arrived we saw Mikael's desiccated body on the ground and Faith no where to be seen.

Klaus ~ you said she was here, so where is she?

Freya ~ this is where it said she was, Klaus.

Elijah ~ Well can we find out where she is now?

Freya ~ we already tried that at Caroline's house. It led us here but it wouldn't take me further then that which means 

Rebecka ~ My niece could very well be in trouble, 

Kol ~ Because a witch has put a spell on her to where she can hide anywhere without us finding her.

Elijah ~ Or she is hiding from us and she isn't in trouble.

Caroline ~ I know my niece she would never try to hide like how your saying,

Klaus ~ and call it a parents instinct but I feel like something is wrong.

Rebecka ~ Well then we best find my niece.

(Faiths p.o.v.)

I woke up tied to a chair with wolfsbane and vervain ropes and a pain in my neck and my stomach I looked down to my stomach to see a wooden stake sticking out. I then heard a noise and looked up seeing the man I wished never to see. The man I Killed.

Nathan ~ Hey miss me?

Faith ~ your the one who killed my mother but I killed you, so how are you here?

??? ~ I might have a part in that.

A women's voice spoke 

Faith ~ Who are you?

??? ~ My name is Esther. I'm Mikael's wife, your grandmother. I'm also one of the people behind the death of your precious mother. Her death was actually my idea.

Faith ~ How could you? She didn't do anything wrong why would you take her life?

Esther ~ well we needed you to do our dirty work.

Faith ~ I cant believe you. Your a horrible person.

Esther ~ you best watch what your saying you may have killed my husband but you wont came as close to killing me in fact no one will be able to find you thanks to my magic.  

Faith ~ How are you even alive I thought my father killed you twice years ago.

Esther ~ well when you have friends on the other side its easier to come back to the land of the living.

Faith ~ So what are you going to do with me? Kill me? Use me to get to my family?

Esther ~ all are good ideas but I'm gonna put you through the pain who put Mikael through by killing him.

Faith ~ And what does he have to do with this? Why is he here?

Nathan ~ I'd also like to know the answer of that question.

Esther ~ Well if you must know I'm going to have you watch and cause pain to Faith while I'm making sure the rest of the family doesn't ever find out where she is but shall we start with the pain?

Nathan ~ I guess we shall

(Next part will be back with the Mikaelson's)

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