Part 8

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(Faiths p.o.v.)

I woke up again in the middle of the night to see my father asleep again in the chair by my bedside I decided not to wake him but knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again at least not when I just woke up from a bad dream and waking up to remember it wasn't a bad dream it was actually real it actually happened. So I quietly got out of bed and headed downstairs, I didn't know where I was headed but I knew I had to go somewhere. I had too much on my mind and I just needed to breathe and think about things. So I guess that's why I'm sitting on the front porch now, I had put on a jacket and some shoes before coming out. But honestly I needed it. It is about 4 in the morning so the sun should be coming up in a couple hours so I figured id just sit out here till then. I held off as long as I could but I couldn't hold my tears in so here I am sitting on the front porch at 4a.m. crying.

(Klaus's p.o.v.)

I woke up to hearing a noise I looked up to Faiths bed to see she wasn't there so maybe she got up to get a drink, right? I think I'm still going to check. So I got up and walked to Hopes room to see if she was still asleep and once I saw she was I headed downstairs to see no lights on which meant everyone was still asleep but then where was Faith at? I then heard soft cries and knew who was up and where. So I walked close to the door tossed on some shoes and a jacket before walking out the door to see Faith sitting down, knees pulled close to her chest crying. I slowly walked up to her and sat beside her saying.

Klaus ~ You alright?

She looked up to me as if she didn't hear me come out but just kept crying shaking her head saying she wasn't okay. I then moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug letting her cry into my chest. And said.

Klaus ~ Wanna talk about it?

At first she shook her head no but then shook her head yes saying.

Faith ~ Daddy I was so scared, and I know I shouldn't have ran off like I did but I knew I could take down Mikael without anyone else getting hurt but even if I couldn't I would still have done it I don't regret what I did and I know ill get in trouble for it but id do it the same way again I just didn't know Esther was gonna take me after I did and if I had made sure I wasn't alone this wouldn't of happened and.....

I cut her off by saying

Klaus ~ Hey listen your alright and that's all that's matters right now and your punishment for taking Mikael on all by yourself will be you not leaving the house and when you think about it I wouldn't have let you out of the house if you were taken anyways so no your not in trouble I just wish you didn't go alone. But why are you up this late?

She thought for a minute before saying

Faith ~ I woke up from a bad dream I don't think id be able to sleep after that, and I didn't want to wake you or anyone else up so I decided that I would find something to do to keep my mind off the fact that I'm not okay and that I'm scared of sleeping again knowing that when I fall asleep the past 2 weeks will be my horrible dream.

I was definitely hurt when she said she cant sleep without having a nightmare of the last 2 weeks so I said.

Klaus ~ Well why don't we got watch a movie instead of going back to bed?

She looked up at me and said

Faith ~ Really? Its 4 in the morning and your gonna be okay with watching a movie?

Klaus ~ Of course lets go

I said while getting up and pulling her up with me

Klaus ~ I'll even let you pick the movie.

Faith ~ Wait that means we can watch Twilight?

Klaus ~ Yes, I suppose we can watch Twilight but I seriously don't get how you girls like that movie its nothing like Vampires or Werewolfs.

Faith ~ Oh whatever I like it so lets go.

With that we put on Twilight. I noticed about 45 minutes in she was asleep and I was happy she was home she didn't deserve to get torched by my mother she did nothing wrong and know she cant even sleep at night without having nightmares but I know that she will be okay, she's got a lot of family to talk to and to help her through it.

(Elijah's p.o.v.)

I woke up and walked downstairs to see Faith asleep leaning on Niklaus's arm and Niklaus also asleep, I smiled happy that they had gotten along so well and that she's home, cause when she was gone this family was defiantly going crazy without her. Even though she wasn't family long she was still family and will always be family. 'Always and Forever'. I then walked into the kitchen to get breakfast going for when the family woke up!

(Hopes p.o.v.)

I woke up and its like I had this sister feeling its like I knew something was wrong I woke up after dad came in to my room and I heard him talk to Faith so then I thought since she's really hurting maybe I could bring her mom back so her mom can also comfort her. So I stayed up the rest of the night looking at all different spells and I finally found the one after I heard my uncle Elijah walking around I went downstairs and said

Hope ~ Good morning uncle Elijah. Would it be okay if I went outside to the garden for a little bit before breakfast?

Elijah ~ As long as your safe

I then hugged him and said 

Hope ~ I will be.

I then ran out back and took out everything I needed for the spell and then I started to chant after what seemed like hours of chanting which only was about 10 minutes I saw a lady I had never seen before, so I said 

Hope ~ Are you Mykayla Forbes?

Mykayla ~ I am and you must be Hope my daughters half sister right?

Hope ~ Yeah that would be me. I actually brought you back cause she needs her mother.

Mykayla ~ Thank you Hope, not just for bringing me back but also making Faith know that you guys are her family.

Hope ~ Well it was nothing I would've done it again I mean she family and family is 'Always and Forever'.

Elijah ~ Hope come inside and have Breakfast please.

Hope ~ Come on lets go...

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