Part 3

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(Elijah's p.o.v.)

Elijah ~ everyone. We need to have a serious talk about Faith.

Hope ~ no leave her alone dad already interrogated her and made her space out start to shake and cry so leave her alone. She hasn't dont anything wrong.

Elijah ~ well about that Hope. She was sent to watch over us and get information about us.

Hayley ~ i don't understand. When I met her I reached out to shake her hand she hesitated and when I looked into her eyes I could tell she was alone or abandoned. Listen if she did go with Hope just to get information about us I don't think she did it on purpose.

Hope ~ she used me?

Klaus ~ well see this is why we need to find and talk to her. And I know her mother. She wouldn't abandoned her.

Elijah ~ about that Niklaus. Her parents are dead. And before anyone says anything about harming her. She just stood up to the one person we ran from for a 1000 years.

Kol ~ what?

Rebecka ~ she's working with Mikael?

Klaus ~ well now the answer is clear we need to kill her.

Freya ~ you mean that young girl that was here today? You can't kill her she has too much power. When she was here it felt like Hopes magic.

Klaus ~ yes I know she was a werewolf and vampire.

Elijah ~ but Niklaus she's also a witch. She's all three.

Klaus ~ what?

Rebecka ~ that's impossible.

Kol ~ Hope is the only one of her kind.

Elijah ~ well all I know is she doesn't want to work for Mikael. She told me with tears in her eyes that she's done being the bad guy and when she was on the phone with Mikael she said she wasn't gonna help him kill us.

Kol ~ now why would she do that?

Rebecka ~ she hardly knows us.

Elijah ~ yes I know but she saw us as a family and she didn't want to ruin our perfect life as she put it. She stood up to Mikael on behalf of us and now she's gonna lose her life because of it.

Klaus ~ she protected us? But we're the Mikaelsons. We're hated by Many.

Hope ~ she didn't use me. She was close to me to warn me. To warn us. She never wanted to hurt us. I'm gonna call her I'll be back.

Davina ~ Hope you got her Number?

Hope ~ yeah I got it at school.

Freya ~ wait before you call her I got a question.

Hope ~ okay?

Freya ~ when did you meet her?

Hope ~ today why?

Klaus ~ and you brought her home?

Hayley ~ you said she was a friend.

Hope ~ she was.

Elijah ~ guys wait Freyas onto something.

Freya ~ you brought her home because you felt like you could trust her right?

Hope ~ how'd you know?

Freya ~ well we know she's a Tribrid which shouldn't be possible.

Rebecka ~ oh my word you don't actually think that.

Davina ~ well it makes since. She's a tribrid Hopes a Tribrid. And she does have his look.

Kol ~ dear brother you said you knew Mykayla. Well how well did you know her?

Hayley ~ Klaus did you ever ya know have a relationship with her.

Klaus ~ I mean I wanted to there was a one night stand but then she told me to leave and never return.

Keelin ~ and how long ago was that?

Klaus ~ almost 17 years ago.

Rebecka ~ and how old is Faith?

Klaus ~ 16

Freya ~ well Klaus you might very well have another daughter. But I'm gonna need your blood to make sure we're right about this.

Klaus ~ okay.

Without much thought I watched as Klaus bit into his hand and placed it over a map to which Freya started chanting. After a few minutes went by Freya stopped chanting and said.

Freya ~ we were right. Faith is Klaus's youngest daughter.

Rebecka ~ is anyone forgetting the fact that Mikael was using her and the fact that Elijah said she'll pay for turning on Mikael by death?

Elijah ~ no we must find her.

Klaus ~ we can't not let her die because of us and by Mikael nonetheless so let's find out where my daughter is.

Hope ~ i tried calling her. She isn't picking up. So how are we gonna find her.

Klaus ~ well Hope what would you do if you were in trouble and your mother was dead and you thought your father was dead. Where would you go?

Hope ~ I'd go to my aunts and uncles....

Klaus ~ exactly

Rebecka ~ so Faith is going to Mystic Falls to be with Caroline.

Elijah ~ well now that we know where she's headed let's get ready to go get the youngest Mikaelson.

With that we all packed and got in the car and started heading to Mystic Falls to get Faith to protect her.

(Faiths p.o.v.)

I just arrived at my aunt Caroline's. I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited for a few moments before aunt Caroline opened the door. As soon as she saw me she pulled me into a hug.

Caroline ~ oh my word. Where have you been? I've been so worried.

Faith ~ I'm in trouble aunt Care.

I said with tears in my eyes.

Faith ~ and I wanted to say goodbye in case I don't make it.

Caroline ~ oh sweetheart come in and tell me about it.

I nodded and we walked in and sat at the table in the dining room and I told her everything.

Faith ~ Mikael is coming to kill me so I can't stay I won't put you in danger.

Caroline ~ you won't put us in danger and Mikael? He's the Mikaelsons father. He's been trying to kill them for over 1000 years. How did you get mixed in with him?

Faith ~ he kidnapped me not long after moms death. Told me if I didn't help him he's kill me and I wasn't thinking straight at the time. I just watched my mother die so I agreed and I regret it but if I don't run he'll bring harm to you. And you are the only family I have left besides the twins and uncle Alaric.

Caroline ~ but I can't just not protect you.

Faith ~ I'll be fine aunt Care and after I Kill Mikael I'll come back here to you.

Caroline ~ your not seriously thinking ab...

She was cut off by the door ringing. She slowly walked over to the door and opened it saying.

Caroline ~ what are you doing here?

I walked over and saw someone I wished to never see again someone I knew I'd have to run from also, Niklaus Mikaelson but not just Klaus he didn't come alone. His family stood right behind him.

Klaus ~ well hello luv.....

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